How many bags does everyone have?

More than I need haha and this is only part of my gear collection!


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Right now I have two cheap packs. I almost there, being able to afford a new reckoning setup two more weeks.
My main pack is a SG 5900. Also have a MR Pintler that I really like but just needed a little more room. My wife uses the MR now. Lastly, I have a Barney's Hunter Pack that gets used in special situations.
Maybe I need counseling, but I just have one. MR Selway that's a bit big for a day pack and works for multi-day with a kluged together lid, other external pockets, sleeping bag on the bottom, tent strapped to the side. Any 3500-ish cubic inch pack of the top brands would work the same (not an "MR only!!" fan boy). I like having my main kit in one bag, ready in the truck anytime vs. moving crap around. Plus I like to get used to one thing, learn how to use it. I have other old packs languishing in the garage, so maybe I'm not "that" sick.

If I had more time/money I'd join the bandwagon and have a pile o' packs.
For most of my hunting I've been using a Kifaru Argali on a Hunter frame. Been using that set up for the last 3 years. But, I have a ton of packs for other stuff. Osprey and Cold Cold World for mountianeering and ice climbing. TAD Gear, Eagle, ATS, Kifaru, GoRuck and others for assault packs in the 1500 to 2000 range.

I really want Kifaru to come out with a modified Reckoning type bag. Maybe the Muskeg is it. Also I've been very tempted to try an Exo based 100% on their pocket layout which on paper I think they nailed and it would address my personal complaints on the Argali.

Exo bags work flawless on Kifaru frames!! Carried an Exo 3500 on a duplex lite for some time.
Early on in my backpack hunting journey I had more frames, bags, packs, and accessories than any 3 guys should own. As I’ve educated myself to gear, usage, and my needs I’ve scaled back to just a few that serve my edc, local day trips, and multi day hunting excursions. (Antero, Spike Camp, Bikini/AMR). Seems like the more I learned the less I needed.
I sold my SG R3 last year and switched to a Kifaru Woodsman on a 24” lite frame. Loved the SG for heavy loads but I couldn’t get used to the frame hitting my head with my short torso. The woodsman and the lite frame did a great job hauling elk and deer this season. I also have an older eberlestock mini me for a range bag, kifaru quandary and a fishpond chestie for fly fishing and an osprey stratos for hiking. Was wanting to try an exo 3500 to compare to the kifaru but overall I’m pretty happy with that set up..
I just added an Exo 5500 to my bag count... Hoping to get that in the next 2-3weeks. Just in time for me to go traveling for work. Will definitely look into what they will be releasing and will probably pick up another smaller Exo pack, or will get that Kifaru setup I keep thinking about.
Had 3. MR Metcalf (sold), a Pintler, and a MR Scree. Use the Scree for a hiking/travel bag, but not a fan of how it sits on my back. It seems to slide down my back no matter how tight I sinch the belt. After selling the Metcalf, I’m in the market for another bag. So hard to pick! I really like the new MR Selway, Exo looks really nice, but I keep going back to Kifaru. Fun problem to have, but it’s also been driving me nuts on what to do. Haha.