How many arrows do you take on a hunt?


Nov 18, 2017
New to bow hunting. When you go on a back country hunt, how many arrows do you take with you? If you take more than what fits in your quiver, how do you store/carry them in your pack?

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Good question. Depends on how much a hardship it would be to come out for a reload.
Assuming that's a PIA or not possible....I take my quiver full which is 5 or 6 and then I take another 5 or 6. Sometimes I just stick them in a side water bottle pocket and through a lashing or sometimes I use a light weight tube in my pack.
I had wondered about a light weight tube and carrying the broadheads in a small hard case. It may not be as practical to carry separate, but seems like a better option to keep heads sharp and from gouging an arrow shaft. That the best option?

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I take 3 with broadheads and 2 for grouse in my 5 arrow. I'll have a few more grouse arrows in the truck and one or two with broadheads. I've only ever run out of grouse arrows because I love shooting them! I've never gotten a second shot on big game with my bow.

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Welcome to your new addiction. Like others said, fill up your quiver and you should be good.

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Full quiver (5 arrow)if it’s 3 days or less. More than 3 days, I take an additional 4 arrows. Usually only take 2 additional broadheads. I always have a couple of small game heads too.
I always to a 7 arrows. That's what my quiver will hold. I always have extra in the truck. Hope I don't regret it one day.
I run a 7 arrow tightspot quiver and fill it up. Guy at the bow shop showed me how to stick an 8th arrow in there but I don't remember how he did it.
Six in the quiver and I usually have a dozen in the truck just in case (six with broadheads and six with field points). Don't forget your grouse arrows.
Fly-in or backpack hunt I have 9 with me in most cases. Enough broadheads for all, 2 or 3 field points and Judo or 2. The 4 extra arrows are carried without points with 2 heavy duty rubber bands around them and under straps on my Kifaru pack. Points are wrapped in a paper towel inside a zip-lock bag in the pack...typically in the Kifaru attached small zipper pouch in the lid or main pack. When I hunt away from the tent on a backpack trip I leave the 4 extra arrows under the fly in the vestibule.

On a fly-in I transport arrows in a 2-1/2" or 3" (forgot which it is) Cabelas PVC arrow tube. I can easily get up to 12 arrows in it if I want. I use the same tube to hold my arrows on commercial flights and put the tube in my Cabelas Ripcord XL rolling duffel, along with two bows, the bow quiver and a bunch of clothes and boots to bring the weight up to 49#s or so.
I burn through a lot of arrows while hunting because I practice by sage/stump/grass/grouse/squirrel/rabbit shooting and always have one of my 5 quiver arrows tipped with a judo point. Consequently I probably lose or break an average of an arrow a day, but I stay sharp by taking field shots at odd or long ranges and steep angles. Lots of these are arrows with slightly damaged nock ends that I dinged while target shooting or those that didn't spin straight enough. On day hunts I don't bring extras, but on 2-5 day trips I might bring 3 extras with both judo points and an extra broadhead or two just in case. I just slip the extras through the Molle webbing on the side of my AMR or in the side pockets of my Reckoning.
for me 5 broad head arrows plus my fluflu with me at all times. if I'm hunting for a week in the backcountry I will take another half dozen and level them in the truck, I figure if I lose 5 arrows I deserve the hike out and back to think about what I did wrong. (that hasn't happened yet)