How long have you old timers been married?

Will have been married to my first wife for 10 years this year.
She doesn't think that cute little nickname is all that funny though. Women are difficult to understand.
You’re all lucky ducks. I tell my buddies when they bitch about their wives to shut up. I said goodbye to my wife of thirty years a decade ago as she slipped away from me from cancer then lost a wife to divorce four years ago and never even got to say goodbye.

I’d kill to have a good woman in my life.

Congratulations to you all!
There are good ones out there, just waiting for a Good Man like you Pard! "Its not good for man to be alone"....."He who finds a wife, finds Good thing"......Church is about the best place to meet Ms Right"....(Old Saying says) "find them in a Bar/Lose them in a Bar" (not always, but you get my drift!) Go for it buddy!
7 months after 26 years of being single. Wife #2 is the easiest person to get along with I've ever met. Puts up with my BS, to which my son said "Dad, that's a subset of one.."