How far have you traveled for a weekend hunt

I was on a lease 5.5 hrs from home - 11 hrs driving for 3 or 4 sessions on stand.
About once a year would drive up, walk to stand, kill, quarter deer, then go home.

That's about my limit tho. 5-6 hrs each way is max for a weekend hunt.

To CO or WY is 30+ hrs, that's a 10-14 day trip. Flying I'll do less - especially if not having to hassle with gun & gear...
Went to the farm we hunting in Illinois 2 years ago to shootnsome does weather man predicted snow but not 14” in a day hunted struck out in deer got the truck stuck on the way out pulling a trailer then the slow drive home from the time I hooked up the trailer to unhooking I was at 10 hours for a weekend hunt by my self

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In 2013, just after my 3rd daughter was born, I drove from Bellingham, WA to near Browning, MT for a weekend hunt to chase deer. It’s around 700 miles one way. I missed the biggest mule deer I’ve ever had the chance at and ended up shooting a 4x4 whitetail. It was definitely worth the trip.
7-8 hours for weekend hunts.
But I also drive from Las Vegas to Durango Colorado for the weekend to watch my daughter play college softball!!

things we love and what we will do for it (them)
I regularly drive 6.5hrs on a Friday after work to shoot prairie dogs all day Saturday, to come home Sunday morning. More time driving than behind a rifle.
7 hours one way tomorrow to call turkeys for someone and come back the next day. One of my favorite trips of the year. Not even touching a trigger.
Well the reason I asked is because I was wondering how I was stacking up, I drove 10 hours one way for 2 days of turkey hunting this last weekend and proceeded to swing and miss and gobbler Sunday morning, big bummer but it was worth it.

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I've only done four hours for weekend hunts. I just feel like you cant get enough in if its more than that. I don't enjoy it enough if I feel like I am rushing or know that I have a short time a long way to go.