How does your job prepare you for the mountain?

Shift millwright, 12 hour days 4/4/365, unscheduled down time isn’t an option. Our plant is 4 levels and built of stairs and ladders, add in a 40 pound tool bag plus parts. The job keeps me in good shape, but is also hard on the body. A mountain hunt is a cake walk compared to a day at work.
My job actually does the opposite since I sit on my ass all day and stare at a screen.
About same situation for me. Several years ago, with all the "daily steps counters" apps on our phones, I realized that I was way too sedentary, and I started to do a daily walking routine. Depending on the season and weather, I walk either early in the morning before work, or during lunch break, or after work, some times twice daily. During work time, I also try to seize any opportunity to stand and walk down the stairs to get some documents (instead of asking someone to bring it to me).
So I get to spend a lot of time outside in the woods as a forester. I get to walk a lot. Unfortunately, I’m in the Florida panhandle and I’ve found mountain elevation to be very unkind and the air to not be near thick enough. 🤣🤣🤣
I train and board dogs. Stay active through the day. Our kennel is 150 yards from our office, so when dogs come and go I try to walk or run back and forth rather than use side by side. It adds up.
Probably the best thing I did last year was instead of mow the dam to our pond on a tractor I did it with a push mower, up and down. Did as much as I could each day. By the time I got done it would be time to start again…