How do you pay for your gear?

Buy used on here. Then sell used on here. Do my best to make it a net break even game.

Isn’t perfect but I can get close on most things.

Things I can’t I can typically get good discounts on.
Buy once cry once then just use it for YEARS.

The last flagship bow i bought was in 2009 and it’s still the bow i use today. I have zero desire to replace it. Imagine how much money that will save over a guy who buys a new one every other year with no appreciable gain in his ability to kill animals. Clothing, same thing find what i like, buy what i need then wear it afield until i die or it does. Guns….same my newest is 30ish years old and killed with it this year.

Once you got it all no need to buy another to replace one that you already got. And with today’s inflation man i’m glad i don’t need to buy any new high dollar hunting gear!
I work one shift a week at a big name sporting goods store just so I can get the employee discount and pro form benefits. It’s allowed me to afford significantly more and nicer gear than if I were paying normal prices.