How do you hunt bears?

Jay T

Dec 6, 2018
I know a lot of people hunt them a lot of different ways. Do you cover ground? glass? Call them in? Sit down near a berry patch?
I could like dog hunting them I think. Just go out and look for them in areas they like to be for now.
In Maine we set over barrels of leftover doughnuts and cake icing from the local bakery. Worked pretty good, like mentioned above there are different tactics for different areas.
Glass the groceries. In the spring that’s grass first and then can transition to bugs. If you find logged units that have stumps torn up the bears have been there. Old logging roads can have lush grass along the sides early on. Walking these roads looking for poop piles can also tell you they’ve been there. Even when glassing, bears can be hidden in patches of brush. Many times I’ve been glassing and then in the middle of the unit bam there he is. Same goes for there he is, and then he’s gone. In the fall it’s still groceries but where I live it transitions to berries and even nuts. The bottom of drainages stay cooler than the tops so when it’s hot move slowly along the creek or find a spot to sit and wait. Wind and noise will get ya every time so be aware of those. I’ve seen them all hours of the day so anytime can be good.
All of the above depending on the season and situation.
This...I tend to spend more time glassing green slopes though. I've done some calling and frankly I'm afraid of the other flavor of bear coming for a visit so I only do that where I have good line of sight
My Grandpa taught me this: Dig a hole about 2'x2' and about a foot deep. Take some ashes from your wood stove or campfire and cover the bottom with about an inch or two of fluffy ashes (not coals).
next, ring the hole with whole, canned pea's.
Wait in the brush, and when a bear comes to take a pea, run up and kick him in the ash hole.

I hunt them when everything is frozen.

I will go out on a lake and cut a hole in the ice. I will open a can of pees and line them around the hole. When the bear comes out to take a pee I kick him in the icehole.