How do you guys keep track of brass firings?

I keep them in ammo boxes by batch, and try to remember to keep a tally on the load card.

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Same here. Each box has a piece of tape on it that we mark with a sharpie and on the reloading bench we have old plastic yogurt tubs with the corresponding number of shots they get dumped into.
I’ve used a scribe (nail) to scratch a faint line from the primer outward - fast to apply and easy to read. Usually I’m not vibrating cases to clean, so even a sharpie line on the case head lasts the life of the case. Any way it’s done is a pain in the butt, so to simplify life I’ve started keeping some once or twice fired brass for hunting, and all the others aren’t tracked, but tossed out when a head separation line starts to be visible.
I buy brass 300 at a time, I shoot through all 300 then start over.

I have tubs in the shop labeled (6CM - once fired, 6CM - clean, 6CM - ready to load).

By cycling through a full batch of brass it makes it pretty easy to keep track.
I resize all at the same time and mark on the boxes how many times each has been resized. Usually do 200-500 depending on what gun it is for. Every gun has its own brass, keeps it simple
I have never fired new in plastic and fired in a tub..thats about loads are accruate and consistent spped so I don't worry about it
Why would you bother counting?
The brass is either ok or it isn’t

This is the most accurate answer. Doesn’t really matter. I keep track of some for reasons I don’t understand, but others I’ve lost count and stopped caring. In some cases I’ll take a case or 3 with a new barrel and put a bunch of firings on them to see how a load is going to pan out in terms of brass life if I’m on the warmer side. I think I’ve got 223 ackley brass that must be approaching 30 cycles, but lost count long ago. 400 Lapua cases started with a new barrel and the 1st replacement barrel for that one is getting long in the tooth (or throat I guess).

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