What ways do you pick who is shooter on a archery elk hunt within a group of hunters? Switch everyday? Shooter stays shooter till he has a shot or opportunity? Rookie goes first? Draw straws?
I agree with this. Only thing to add is it's as exciting to call a bull in front of your hunting partners as it is to be the shooter. Sometimes they come on a string and other times you work your ass off. I've had to crawl to get into a different position to pull a bull back across in front of the shooterWe seem to rotate shooters. Its never been a big discussion. I am just as excited for my hunting partners to get a shot as when I do. I think if your focused on who gets to be the shooter you should hunt alone. I also second that everyone is always a shooters because elk have a mind of their own and never follow your plan for them. Typically the elk determines who the shooter is during a calling setup.