How do you deal with poor harvest rate in the field?

Dec 13, 2023
"... If I only had 2 weeks a year to hunt, then I could hunt those 2 weeks non stop and not burnout. ..."

I prolly could too! LOL!

Also, we have a "Primitive Arms" season that ends the weekend before "Gun Season" starts.
There is a "Fall Turkey" season that runs that week.
If you like archery, "Archery Deer" runs Oct 1- to sometime in January.
....and also a two week "Bonus Antlerless" season the end of Dec.

So yeah, there is more than just the two weeks, depending on your bent and desires.
But your best opportunity to take a buck is the 2 week "Gun" season.

Also, where I hunt, everybody hunts from a stand. A few do "spot & stalk", but there aren't vast expanses of public land to roam. This flat land doesn't offer much to glass and spot.

At my age, I still have the drive to "get out there", but pulling the trigger is getting harder and harder! (Do I  really want to dress a deer, or just go home, relax and go to bed?)

Too many times, the latter wins out!


Feb 17, 2018
Is this a question about hunting tactics and plans dealing with changes to game populations or habits that may or may not be out of your control? Hunting pressured public is a LOT less predictable than hunting private, at least in my experience. Maybe hunt less so you can get access to some good private??
Or is this a question about what it takes to be happy as something you define yourself around becomes harder or unattainable due to age, location and your other life choices? Or is this a question about balancing time for yourself while maintaining a healthy marriage and family?

The original post seems ambiguous enough to answer it from any of these perspectives. All of the below is assuming your time away from family has been discussed with your wife, and everyone is happy with the amount of time away, regardless of whether you kill anything.

Regarding an activity you define yourself around changing for you—yes, this is totally normal. In fact, I think people need to expect it. Take a break. Hunt something new (ducks, birds, etc) so you are forced to learn new things. Hunt with a gun, dont handicap yourself if killing an animal is whats missing. But ultimately, do something else, anything from backpacking without a bow/gun, to golf. You cannot control the animals or guarantee a kill, so if it isnt working as-is, you have no choice except to change something, its up to you to be happy with what youre doing. Change is the only constant, don't for a minute think it’ll always be the same, so dont force it to be because you cant. Your job is to figure out what makes you happy. If hunting loses its “thing” for you, who cares, change the way you are doing it or do something else that does it for you. Honestly, I think it really is that simple.
Ime if you let ego get the better of you (only hunting with a bow or a particular way, only shooting a stud, etc) you may be setting yourself up for failure if killing an animal is really the only thing missing for you.
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Jul 27, 2015
New Mexico
I was feeling a little burned out this year. Not really excited about butchering big animals. I did a lot more fishing with my family. I think we spent a dozen weekends at the lake. We found a lake that’s clear enough to spearfish and that was the most fun I’ve had in a long time. You have to be ok with doing things you enjoy more than things people promote on social media.

I don’t know where you are but if I had to hunt in some of these states where things have gotten really bad (CO), I probably wouldn’t do it much. I see more elk taking my kid to school than I do on a week long camping trip in Colorado. Decades of unlimited hunting pressure, recreation pressure, and low predator harvest have caught up. With all the social media bs now, people are loving the forest to death. Hunting wasn’t always such a “go harder, deeper, be a badass and take photos” thing. We used to just do it because it was fun.