How do you carry your inreach?

For years I just clipped it to the “handle” on top of my reckoning bag (right behind my head). But, last year I left my pack and couldn’t reach buddies to tell them I had an animal down. Now I keep it clipped to my bino harness. Will look into one of those AGC cases.

You can’t cheat the mountain
I made the mistake last year on a hike by attaching it to my pack shoulder straps with a carabiner. After the first day the face was all scratched up.

Good ideas above that would work better
Side pocket of my AGC. You leave your pack to shit, you leave your pack 'just to glass from that rock', just to go chase a bugle/animal near camp, etc... For me the harness is on when I wake up and off when I sleep, with the only gaps being when I change layers. I pair it with my phone and Instinct watch as well.

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This what I do to. It’s with me all day and pack may not. Fits in my left agc zippered pocket but zipper does fully close so it’s also clipped to the fabric.

Had in my lid one year, my left belt pouch another. But like this best so far.

I use the carabiner and attach to my exo pack strap on my chest. Surprisingly even with it just hanging there it doesn't move around too much and I hardly notice it. If I ever need it I can access it with out having to remove my pack.
I use the AGC gps pouch. It will clip on your belt, bag or bino harness. I keep it on my harness. I want it close in case i need it.
Velcro to the top of the 44 mag with a paracord safety lanyard Incase it gets knocked off. Hasn’t fell off yet.

I have the mini and I keep it in the side pocket of the muley freak bino harness
Smoke in the right
Inreach on the right.
It fits in the perfectly snug and is always with me just in case.

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I keep mine on my AGC harness in their accessory pouch. I guess to me it makes sense to keep it on your body where you reach it easily in case you actually need the button. That pouch works great and honestly you don’t even notic it

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Side pocket of my AGC. You leave your pack to shit, you leave your pack 'just to glass from that rock', just to go chase a bugle/animal near camp, etc... For me the harness is on when I wake up and off when I sleep, with the only gaps being when I change layers. I pair it with my phone and Instinct watch as well.

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I do the same, but am kicking around moving it to the basement pouch to get more useable space.
I added a Kuiu pocket to my AGC. Inreach and headlamp ride in there, always have quick access to both. I removed the belt clip on the Inreach but added a dummy cord. Love my AGC setup, always have it on and know I have the basics covered.702493CE-9777-4918-BE10-D0502C0CA88A.jpeg
I am not going to lie, I am getting a little jealous of all the guys using the AGC bino harness...
I did a seven thousand mile trip in my 80 with my inreach lying on the dash and had no connectivity issues. Tracking worked as though it was standing on the roof.