How do you carry binos?

Aug 21, 2021
My wife seems to like the older style harnesses with elastic straps that cross in the back. I think Votex and others have something similar or PM me. They can ride lower just below their chest and quite comfortable I think for ladies. The other option is carrying lighter binoculars on a short neck strap. I something like 7x26, 8x25 or 10x25. The strap should just barely fits over her head. They don’t swing around and are very handy to use and not enough weight to wear her out. Good luck
Lady here that bowhunts and yes those are the comfiest for us. We come from the factory with parts in front already so a huge bino pack is just awkward or in the case of archery gets in the way of the shot.
Ladies with not quite so much from the factory sometimes use the smaller bino harnesses.
Just kinda a common sense thing really.