How do ya write that check???

Apr 10, 2012
Rancho Cordova, CA
My wife gave me the thumbs up for going to BC to chase a goat. I began to think that after I was able to save up all that cash, could I just hand it over. So I figured I would give my self four more years of applying in the lower 48 before I would really book a hunt.

So the question goes, who has made the trip north, and handed the cash over. And, was it as hard as I think it's going to be to hand it over. Mind you a goat/sheep hunt is TOP of my bucket list, and yea this is something I really want. Would nice to draw the tag though.
I've considered it with a lot of thought, and a lot of things would have to change for me to do that.
I am not comfortable with sacrificing that amount of financial security for that kind of trip. Not sure I would ever feel right about it if I did. I spent a lot of money on things that were important to me at the time, only to realize later in life they really didn't matter.
Count me out.
Depends where your priorities and financial stability are in life. Best advice I can give is to pray and then pray some more, then listen to the answer.
Its tough. I am blessed in live in Alaska and can do these hunts for "cheap" as I don't have to hire a guide, but some of the hunts up here I'd like to do with my wife would still be in excess of $5K for transporation cost and whatnot for us both its a hard pill to swallow. That said we are flying out for goats in October for around $2200, sheep in August for $1800. None of its cheap, but if its a priority for you, then you'll make it happen. If not you can go on A LOT of other hunts for the same amount of money and take a LOT of time off work to chase more animals as well and still be money ahead. But only you can decide if tipping over a mountain goat is worth that much for ya.

That said if you just want to experience a mountain goat hunt and hunt deer on the side you are welcome to mule for me and it'll run ya 10% of that. :D
I muled for my buddy when he drew his goat tag in MT. That's when I got's the fever. Figured I would wait 4 or 5 years, and then if don't draw a tag I will go to BC. From now till then I will save my nickels and dimes. If I am lucky I can save up a bunch of cash, the beg borrow and steal the rest. It would just be so damn hard to give the outfitter 9000 dollars, in pennies :).
Don't put the money in your regular savings account. Start a new one and make payments for your dream purchase. I believe it won't hurt as it would have taking it out of the "family" account. THEN start that other savings account because you have to take it to the taxidermist. :).
its only 9 grand? i thought it was more than that.what does 9 grand get you?tags,transportation,food,lodging? i can drive to BC within a few hours so if 9 grand is the whole enchilada once your up there thats not bad.ive never looked into it,only theres some coin
Ya Stonies are out unless I win the Mega Millions. 9000 was the whole she bang. Minus getting there. Was looking at going with Dustin from Back Country and Beyond. He might be a touch more now for everything. This hunt is me, him, and mountain house. You can add an additional guide, video, ect. I went with I have more legs than cash package. He is a well respected, and accomplished guide for only being in his early twenties.
It's a lot easier to write checks to CO, WY, MT, UT, NV, ID, and WA every year and play the point game. If you just really want to get a goat, you will get drawn eventually. Yeah you fork over a lot of cash every year but almost all of it is refundable and when you get drawn it will only be $2k max, not $6k-$10k.
It's a lot easier to write checks to CO, WY, MT, UT, NV, ID, and WA every year and play the point game. If you just really want to get a goat, you will get drawn eventually. Yeah you fork over a lot of cash every year but almost all of it is refundable and when you get drawn it will only be $2k max, not $6k-$10k.

Way a head of ya. This is my first year to be able to "hopefully" draw in CO. Getting ready to send out ID, and MT. Waiting on the rest of the states to draw. Just back back from a call and I decided to not go back to sleep, and turn on the hunt'in shows, and what do I see. Some dude heading up to BC for Stonies. Aaaaaaaggggghhhhh. I want to go, or better yet, I want to win the Mega Millions, and go for Stones, and Goats. If I do win the lotto, I promise you all will see the first Rokslide "who wants to go on a Stone Sheep/Goat hunt". Just need to win now. :)
I've got it good! I get a goat tag every year and they roam the mountains out my backyard. I could literally sit in my living room and with enough time and daylight glass one up from my recliner. Not joking. Come August 1st I'll be heading up into the mountains to claim another one.

Good on ya for working towards a great hunting dream. Thats awesome. Those dreams and desires caused me to move my career and family to Alaska permanant. Luke and I will get together this year and roam the hills again. My 13yr old daughter will hunt a trophy ram from the same unit as Rebecca Francis did in 2011. Among other things, this hunting season is sure to busy. Residency does have it's privlage.

I rented out a house that I had just purchased two years prior in the lower 48. I'm still renting it out 4 yrs later. The cost of moving here and making a career shift was high. Ect......

My point, If you choose to pursue it. Don't feel bad. Some guys like myself do things for the hunting lifestyle that financially don't make sense. At the end of the day when your children wonder if you were strong, skilled, and capable a Mt. Goat and what you did to get one kinda just says something. They make great throws for the floor too! Grin. I've gotten plenty of them and no way could I afford to have taxidermy for all of them. So they are thrown here and there. I make it a point to wrap my kids up in a particularly large Nanny skin that I got once. She was 9 yrs old and huge and had a magnificent hide. I imagine the little ones she sheltered from storms and share that with my girls when they don't feel good.
Good luck getting your Mt. Goat
Ya well you go hunt your Mnt Goat, because come July I will be hunting hogs and blacktails in 100 degrees. Wait, ya you still have the better hunt. Anyone want a margarita? I am depressed now. Well if ya find a nice Billy between now and then post a pic, and maybe that will be enough to make me jump off a cliff. :)