Hornaday match grade FL sizer question?

coast range

Jun 19, 2018
Can I use their FL sizer like a body die without the bushings? So it would basically be a body die then set neck tension with a mandrel or Lee collet die.
I emailed them but have not heard back in a couple days. Thanks
I just don't see why you would want to add an extra step to the process when you could just put a bushing in and get the same end result. Or even simpler, just use a standard FL sizing die.
I just don't see why you would want to add an extra step to the process when you could just put a bushing in and get the same end result. Or even simpler, just use a standard FL sizing die.
I was just getting itchy waiting for the bushings to arrive. I have 2 coming but delivery has been slow. I have one for .002 and .003 neck tension

What are you running in yours?