- Joined
- Nov 7, 2018
Looking to go from using the expander button in my Lee FL 6.5cm to a mandrel setup that will hopefully increase consistency in neck tension.
So I’ve figured out I need the Sinclair mandrel body and the expander mandrel (-.001) and/or the neck turner mandrel (-.002)
But when it comes to FL sizing the brass do I keep my Lee FL die and just run it without the expander ball? If so I just need to get a universal decapping die. Currently the Lee is setup to only push the shoulder .001-.002
Or do I spend the money and get a Redding type S FL die with a bushing?
Currently my Lee FL die with the expander ball removed, sizes the brass neck down to .282.
Assuming I went the Redding type S route and was looking for a neck bushing .003-.004 smaller than the finished neck diameter (before bullet is seated), I’d be looking for a .285 bushing. Or I use my Lee FL die that pushing the neck diameter down to .282 (so .003 more than a bushing die would).
Which route would you go and why?
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So I’ve figured out I need the Sinclair mandrel body and the expander mandrel (-.001) and/or the neck turner mandrel (-.002)
But when it comes to FL sizing the brass do I keep my Lee FL die and just run it without the expander ball? If so I just need to get a universal decapping die. Currently the Lee is setup to only push the shoulder .001-.002
Or do I spend the money and get a Redding type S FL die with a bushing?
Currently my Lee FL die with the expander ball removed, sizes the brass neck down to .282.
Assuming I went the Redding type S route and was looking for a neck bushing .003-.004 smaller than the finished neck diameter (before bullet is seated), I’d be looking for a .285 bushing. Or I use my Lee FL die that pushing the neck diameter down to .282 (so .003 more than a bushing die would).
Which route would you go and why?
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