Homemade pullout done.


Mar 26, 2012
Reno, NV
Well, after perusing many photos, threads, sewing sites, and material sources. I finally put together my first sewing project. Turned out mediocre at best, but I am still excited! The second one was even better. Here is a photo of the 2nd one. I think this bag cost me about $2.65 to make.

Thanks SHTF, I figure these little bags, plus some other odds and ends like the bow case I am gonna make from my brother, should give the practice I need before attempting a tarp, that is my ultimate goal. But after seeing that mountainsmith and its price, I may just get one of those!
Very nice. They'll get better as you make more. That silnylon is tough to work with at first. Sometimes you will need to turn up the lower tension with silnylon if the back side looks like crap.
Thanks SHTF, I figure these little bags, plus some other odds and ends like the bow case I am gonna make from my brother

Your brother must love you to sacrifice like that.

Good looking project rock! A pullout is my next project with the seeing machine.
Nicely done Rock!
The nice thing about sewing your own is you get to taylor size them for your pack and needs. I just picked up an old 3 string Elna seger at a yard sale and am looking forward to using it on some projects like this. Heck I might even get ambitious and try to sew a down puffy. Been saving up some duck/goose down for a while now.