Hilleberg tent help


Jan 11, 2020
Hey all

I’m going to buy a new tent. I will be using for sheep and elk. Mostly by myself but you never know might ask my buddy to join some
times trips. I’m looking at the Anjan 3 gt and the Niak.

I like the Anjan for the large vestibule and the extra sleeping space

I like the Niak for the smaller footprint, lighter weight and free standing

Anyone use both and do you prefer one of the other?

Thanks for your help!!
I have both, they are very different tents. Anjan is a pound heavier, a lot bigger foot print, and tunnel. It would be a good dedicated 2 person tent.

Niak is a much better option for 1. I wouldn't do 2, it's more of a 1+. If buddies are coming, almost always a good idea to have separate tents anyway.
I took a Anjan 3 GT to BC for a stone sheep hunt. We camped down low amongst the trees and buckbrush. It was very comfortable for me and my wife, and the huge vestibule was great, especially in miserable weather, but in that terrain I found it's large footprint to be limiting, and not being free-standing to be a negative, requiring constant re-staking to keep it's shape due to rain and soft ground. I'd go with the Niak or Rogen personally.
Watch a few videos on the tunnel tents, entry and exit isn't for everyone. Any Hilleberg will be great quality just have sort through them and get what's going to suit you the best.
I had the Anjan GT and now have an Allak 2. As said above, I'm just not a fan of the tunnel tents for getting in and out of. I also like free standing ability of the Allak.

I'd go Niak out of your two choices.
Tunnel better in the wind but Niak also does great. Tunnel is more of a pain to set up solo. Tunnel is less comfortable getting in and out.

I have a Niak and it’s a perfect one man tent. I can put my pack inside and lay out my gear but two people would be only for an emergency (I’m 6’3 200).

Also in a pinch you can hop in a freestanding with no or minimal stakes. In some soft spots, placing stakes takes longer than getting the tent set up.