HIIT Insert Installation

Sep 27, 2019
Recently purchased the HIIT inserts for my black eagle arrows micro diameter arrows. I am planning to practice and shoot the 125g Iron Will Deep Six broad heads with impact collars.

I didn't order the HIIT Insert tool and was wondering if there are folks here who use a threaded screw to seat the insert to the proper depth? Seemed like a lot of money to purchase the insert tool if one took measurements or made their own seating tool. Looking to see if others have tried seating their own and results.
Your local shop should have 100 of these in a bin somewhere, though I do love unnecessarily making shit.

Make sure you have a flange to push the glue down

I've used an 8-32 machine screw (with a nut to serve as a depth stop) to install 5mm HITs. You could do the same with a 4mm HIT but would need a 6-40 screw. Or you could use a Deep Six broadhead or field point as an installation tool, just be careful to keep adhesive off the head/point threads. Also be careful to not seat the HIT too shallow; it's better to err on the deep side to make sure you can get the head/point fully snugged up against the front of the arrow shaft.

There's more risk with these DIY tools of getting the tool stuck in the shaft, leaving excess glue inside the shaft forward of the HIT, or pulling the HIT forward when you extract the tool. You could consider using heat reversible glue ("hot melt") instead of epoxy. If you make a mistake with hot melt, you can easily undo it and try again.
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Thanks all.

I figured something like a screw/nut combination would be something one could put together.

I'll be sure roughen the inside and check for excess glue/cleaning before seating broadheads/points.

I am planning to use hot melt as I have had success/minimal pullout.
If you're using hot melt you could just thread your field point on and hot melt it all. Still have to heat it a little to lossen it. It's what I've started doing if I don't use epoxy.

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