High shoulder


Aug 17, 2018
I’m color blind. So I try to high shoulder everything I can. I know the 6.5 140 Berger has been pure lightning out of 264 win out to 415 yards on whitetail. However will the 210-230 hold up out of a prc on elk shoulders, close in and far shots ?
I’m color blind. So I try to high shoulder everything I can. I know the 6.5 140 Berger has been pure lightning out of 264 win out to 415 yards on whitetail. However will the 210-230 hold up out of a prc on elk shoulders, close in and far shots ?
With the right bullet a shoulder shot is the right choice. Not sure that a burger is, try a hammer bullet. You take out the shoulder and they are down and unlikely to get up.
I have one experience with a 6.5 and a high shoulder shot on a cow elk last year...6.5-284, 143gr Hornady ELDX, 330 yards...dropped right there and kicked for maybe 10 seconds before she expired.

I was not necessarily trying to shoot her there, was forced to shoot off my pack and made a decent shot, not great. If I were intentional shooting at shoulders I would look at the accubond.
I assume you are talking 300 PRC with the grain bullet you referenced. If I was exclusively a shoulder shooter I would shoot a bonded bullet like the Accubond or the Partition, or even a copper bullet like the Barnes TTSX. That said I don't think there are factory loads for the 300 PRC in those varieties. The energy you'll be carrying at POI will likely be enough to bust through shoulder even with the eld-x, but I personally would still prefer a bonded bullet.
Yes 300 prc

I am a hand loader so it’s not a problem of selection more of what should work. I know the Berger is a hammer but I fear it might not work on a shoulder
Reference to being color blind, I assume you think that hitting the blades will reduce the ability to run as you can’t see a blood trail.

I would still fire the double lung shot first for the killing damage and then use a followup shot to the shoulder to anchor.

Used that technique on this little rag horn and you can clearly see the nice blood trail that runs exactly from where he was hit first to where he fell. ;-)

Used a 200 grain accubond at 2853 FPS. Range was just under 300 yards.29464993-44CF-4B56-8C9C-7E79991F868E.jpegF18FA9A8-BE78-41F5-9477-50E98606FAFF.jpeg
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I assume you are talking 300 PRC with the grain bullet you referenced. If I was exclusively a shoulder shooter I would shoot a bonded bullet like the Accubond or the Partition, or even a copper bullet like the Barnes TTSX. That said I don't think there are factory loads for the 300 PRC in those varieties. The energy you'll be carrying at POI will likely be enough to bust through shoulder even with the eld-x, but I personally would still prefer a bonded bullet.
Try a copper hammer bullet. It will bust a shoulder and keep on truckin


  • 7-30-19, 143HH, 136SH, 131HH.jpg
    7-30-19, 143HH, 136SH, 131HH.jpg
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why not shoot an outrageously large caliber with a full expansion bullet?

Drop him with ballistic shock and trauma
With Berger’s or ELDx/M I don’t really see a reason to try and break shoulders. With a good lung shot your generally going to see either real short runs or DRT ime.

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The way the ribs are it is a bad idea to shot high if you can help it. The round will hit bone and 9 out of 10 times fly above the lungs. The only saving grace you have is if it can hit the spin or fill the lung cavity with blood. This is a very long and pain hit and almost always requires a fallow up shot to finish the elk.
double lung elk... don't typically make it very far! I shoot 150gr bullets out of my 270, and I have never needed to follow a blood trail, they all died quickly.
He does not want to trail a wounded beast as he can’t see a red blood trail. That makes sense.

Most elk don’t run anyway from what I’ve seen in about a dozen cases if double lunged with a medium bore rifle.
The shoulder blade is a big flat bone and will not break and disable like a ball n' socket joint
There are major arteries taht can be hit causing bleed out but they can be missed also
Higher yet and the spine is involved, always good for a knock down but not always a clean kill
Sight picture isn't always the perfect standing-broadside/on level ground/near-leg forward for a clean double lunger either so anatomical knowledge is important

but pop the balloons and there will be little distance to track anything
What in the world are some of y’all talking about? High shoulder shots are common. For some that seem to be confused- high shoulder refers to placing the bullet slightly above center, and slightly forward to go through shoulder and spine.

I’m color blind. So I try to high shoulder everything I can. I know the 6.5 140 Berger has been pure lightning out of 264 win out to 415 yards on whitetail. However will the 210-230 hold up out of a prc on elk shoulders, close in and far shots ?

Yes the heavy Bergers will easily get through the shoulder and into the spine.