As the original poster on this thread, I really appreciate all the advice and opinions give here. They certainly vary a lot. I have an update to add.
I have since purchased two pairs of new-to-me binos, Swarovski SLC 10x42 and Nikon HG 10x42. I spent a lot of time testing and comparing these against my old standby Vortex Diamondback 10x42's. I know many of you will dislike and disagree with my results, and I'm ready to get blasted for it, again. But I must call it as I see it...
I tested in all conditions from first light to last, sunny/cloudy, hot/cold, wet/dry, windy/calm, and everything in between. I must admit that both the SLC's and the HG's were very nice, and marginally outperformed the DB's in certain conditions. I noticed slightly better edge to edge clarity and light gathering ability, and perhaps a small advantage in viewing comfort and eye strain over long glassing sessions. If you are willing to pay MUCH more for these slight advantages, then go for it. But I personally judged them to not be that big of a difference maker to me in my real life situations. I never once noticed I was spotting more game with the expensive optics, or was seeing things I couldn't see with the DB's. To sum it up, they were slightly brighter and clearer; but not way brighter and clearer. Would they make me a better and more successful hunter, or make my time in the field significantly more enjoyable? That's the question, and the answer will likely be different for everyone. For me, I'm going to say no.
Comparing the SLC's to the HG's, I honestly couldn't detect much difference between these two. They are both very good in all respects, and very comparable to each other. But the HG's are nearly half the cost. Again, both marginally better than the DB's. Just not $1000 better, in my opinion. Bear in mind that money is not a big issue with me. I can afford high-end and am willing to spend whatever I feel is truly justified. But I hate over spending when it isn't necessary.
As much as I liked the SLC's, I sold them. I kept the HG's for now and will hunt with them and the DB's this fall to see if I can detect any more valuable differences. If not then I will let the HG's go too. I think the DB's are a sensible value overall.