High-Country Elk Hunt in Colorado - 1st Rifle Season

Apr 9, 2015
Denver, co
This year I drew a first-rifle tag in unit 66, south of Gunnison, CO. The unit has plenty of Wilderness area and I plan to backpack in and hunt up high. For those hunters that are familiar with high-country elk hunts I'm curious to hear what recommendations the community has for hunting high and deep into mid October.

Depending on weather I've heard of successful hunts up and above tree line. Is that realistic for October 10-14 or do you expect most elk to be making their way out of the high country by then? If that's the case, how does the hunting strategy change? Up high we're expecting to get behind glass but if we're unable to access the high-country or if the elk have moved out I still have some strategy and education to figure out.

Any input or experience would be appreciated! Thanks, Rokslide!
Snow will dictate when they move down, not the calendar. It takes a couple feet of snow that sticks around. Last year I hunted in 551, east of Gunny, and it was 65 and sunny during 2nd season. Now that's not normal, I would expect up to a foot on average at that time with temps in the 50s. My experience with first season weather is that we usually get a big snowstorm sometime during the season but it will melt in a few days. Nothing deep enough to force them lower.

If the snow is deep (unlikely) I would figure out where their winter ranges are and focus my hunt on the migration routes to get there. They would likely be somewhere in between winter and summer range.
Was drawn for that hunt this year myself so I hope this thread gets some good feedback. Last year my brother had a cow tag for this hunt. Weather wasn't bad for the first 2 days before the hunt started and then on that Sunday it started coming down really hard. We never went above tree line and came across a few herds with some nice cows. This year we have a bull tag to fill. Good luck on your hunt man!
My strategy would be to find the highest peak at least 3 miles away from the nearest road that you could glass on. That peak needs to have multiple places that you can glass. Bring a smaller spotting scope if you have one so you can judge the bulls. Like Vids said the weather will be the factor as to where the elk will most likely be. Last year during rifle season they were high with no weather, and down low with snow. If you are down low, look for open country that is close to some sort of cover. The elk will still bed during the day so they will want some shade.
Any success on your hunts? Myself and a friend are headed up there in a couple weeks for first rifle elk. We have prepared and done our homework via maps, weather outlook, terrain, ect. Although we’ve never stepped foot in the unit. We will be packing in with horses. Just trying to gather any information on the unit would be greatly appreciated. Currently have camp marked around 11K.
I'll be in SW CO for 1st season, not this exact unit but close. Word is from my buddy that lives out there is the elk are on the green food sources, which there are a lot of them of course from all the rain but he has been seeing solid numbers
Good to hear that. I’ve been reading and saw last year first rifle had some pretty heavy snow. We have never hunted above timberline in the past we’ve always archery hunted below 10000’. We have had success in 23 and 63/53 west elk wilderness. Trying to get an idea on the area in general as for habitat. Looks to be some steep country where we are looking. I’m assuming based on maps that there will be plenty of grass where we are up above and below where we intend to camp. Have a ton if spots to glass from and just want to ensure we have proper equipment for potential conditions. I run a Sitka layering system which does not include a heavy parka, but I’ve hunting 15* temps and 40mph winds before with no issues.
Last year we got about 8" of snow right before the 1st rifle season started. It was very cold a few nights ~ 0 F. That storm drove a number of them down to private. I seen about 100 of them moving to private before the season started.

They will be where there going to be. :)
That’s a good unit with plenty of elk. You won’t need to get above timberline to find them but you will want to hike in away from the main roads and be glassing the open parks on at first light. I wouldn’t back pack in, I don’t think it’s necessary and commits you to an area. If you hunt a drainage and don’t find any elk or fresh sign one day move on to the next. Pick your hunt area based off of CPW hunt atlas summer concentration areas if there hasn’t been significant snow which there probably won’t based on it being first season. Good luck
Appreciate the input guys. We will have plenty of access to a lot of different drainages. We are packing in on a 7-8hrs on horseback. We will be 4-5 miles as a crow flies from nearest vehicle access. Will have spike tent available as well Incase we have to move from base camp in order to increase our odds/extend country. Look forward to updating yall
In the trip. If anyone has any other pointers or what to expect in this unit it just PM me.
Not being a smart ass....but, wouldnt recommend shooting an elk on Oct 10th...isnt first Rifle 12-16? Just a QC
Not sure where you got October 10th? Season is 12-16th. We will be scouting 9/10/11th.

Those were the dates you posted in the question...just a heads up in case you got them mixed up

"Is that realistic for October 10-14 or do you expect most elk to be making their way out of the high country by then?"
Those were the dates you posted in the question...just a heads up in case you got them mixed up

"Is that realistic for October 10-14 or do you expect most elk to be making their way out of the high country by then?"
Agh my bad that was someone else’s post. Appreciate you looking out.
Good luck, we'll be hunting 1st rifle close by. I recommend having 3-5 options for starting points so that if one zone is a no go or snow falls you're not wasting time trying to figure out your next move. The season will seem very short if you have to make a couple moves, have your backups prepared.
I do hunt high during first rifle, usually above 11,000 feet. That being said, don’t expect to see elk out feeding on the alpine tundra during daylight hours. Small, protected Meadows, narrow avalanche Chutes, and timber with undergrowth are good, but continuous open country is pretty much a waste of time after the first few days of archery season -might have some luck on the edge of treeline, though.
Appreciate the input. I’ve tried to find all the hidey holes via google earth and OnX. Im sure you know as well as I do that what I think they like and what the do like is not always the case. We will try to confirm sign during scouting days without pushing elk. Have y’all had bulls be very vocal during first rifle and couple days prior in past? I have been talking to friends that have had some success during archery but only heard one bugle over 9 days. They covered 9000-11000’ In there area which is south of gmu 66, fifty miles or so. Hoping to listen during night from several vantage points given the full moon increasing night activity. May help narrow or focus for daylight strategy.