Just curious to see who feels they are ready if their GPS croaked on them deep, deep in the elk woods. Individual, non-electron, land navigation skills i.e., using a compass, map, and terrain association (minimum skills) are essential in the elk woods in my opinion. Possessing good non-electronic based navigation skills can certainly help avoid some bad things if the GPS decides takes a dump. Army Field Manual 3-25.26 (Map Reading and Land Navigation) is not classified and you can actually download it for free from many sites. If a hunter does not possess some of the basic "non-electronic" land navigation skills, he/she probably shouldn't venture too far from a road/trail system until they do. These are my opinions and may not reflect yours.
Soooo.. let’s do this kind of like a poll. "I rate my map/compass skills as follows":
1. Exceptional - I am a human compass needle.. Just follow me.
2. Good - I use a map/compass effectively with no issues.
3. Poor - I'm a bit too reliant on my GPS. Need some work on my map/compass/map reading/terrain association skills.
4. No so good - Call for the search party; I'm not making it out of the woods if my GPS dies.
5. Other… (please provide comments).
6. Does RJ do anything productive besides starting these threads?