Henry Mountains Bison

Mar 26, 2018
West Jordan, Utah
I was lucky enough to draw a hunter's choice tag this year after putting in for just a few years. It's the first bison hunt of the season: Nov. 6 - 17.

I didn't expect to draw this tag for another 20 years, so a guided hunt is unaffordable for me at this time, but I do plan to hire pack out service. Anyone know any good one's in the area?

There's a good chance that I'll be doing this hunt solo. I plan on going down with a friend later this year to do some scouting of the area since he has a place down in Ticaboo and a SxS. Was wondering if anyone here has any pointers or advice for this hunt. Thank you much.
Hey congratulations on drawing an outstanding tag! That is so cool. I'm so happy for you and I hope you enjoy the whole adventure. Best of luck and I certainly hope you get one! Man that will be some good eats!!!
I drew the Henry Mt non-res tag about 21 years ago. Arrowed one a week into the hunt. Bison were hard to find and were quite a ways from the road, living in "sheep country" that year. No packer available. A buddy that went with me for the hunt and I packed him quite a ways. Took 5 heavily loaded trips each in rugged terrain...not for the faint of heart or out of shape hunter. The meat was incredible. Good luck!
Thank you very much Muley. I appreciate it.

After a total of about 10 days out there I never did see any bison. They must be in the lower elevations. I would start with calls to BLM office in Hanksville, the biologist and the warden. I saw the warden on my hunt and asked about the bison as I would have liked to see them. She said they hang around Mt Pennell but they were definitely not around the south to east sides. People say the bison like to be up high in the summer but in July I never saw them up on the the North Ridge to Ellen or South Ridge either. There was a lot of green in the lower elevations from all the rain this year so they must be down low. Good luck!