Help with acope problems


Dec 28, 2023
Southwest oregon
When I start shooting at the range I start having a very hard time with the images becoming blurry. I don't think it is from the diopter or parallax. Or barrel heat. This past Sunday I went and tested the new trijicon accupoint and took the bergara hmr to work on load development. The trijicon still gets blurry but not unusable, however I notice the issue more with my higher magnification scopes. The hmr has a pst gen2 5x25. I have a similar issue with a diamond back 4x12.
I don't seem to have the same problems with the viper 6.5x20 or a nikon prostaff5 4.5x14. It makes it difficult to ami at a small dot on the target when everything becomes fuzzy after 1 or 2 shots.

Has anyone else experienced something like this and what was the fix? I do wear prescription eyeglasses and have not tried shooting without them.
fuzzy after a couple shots? so it's not fuzzy before you start shooting? That sounds like your eyes need work

What about your cheek weld? Are you getting squared up with the scope or are you having to smash your cheek or hold your head up when shooting?
I kinda wonder if it's something wrong with me eye that recoil makes worse?
That sounds exactly like what is going on. I would get your eyes checked. The recoil could detach something in your eye so this would be something of extreme importance before I did any amount of shooting.
Are you shooting with one eye closed? I get eye strain and trouble focusing the longer I shoot if I do. I’ve been working to make the switch to both eyes open and it helps
I can see brief mirage after individual shots from barrel heat that sounds like it may be what you are describing. That should be somewhat easy to check, ie can you make the blurriness go away by using a fan to move air out of your field of view, or shielding the barrel? Should be a relatively easy way to determine if thats it before you do anything too invasive.
X bolt speed 308 and bergara hmr 6.5 creedmoor. Both have have radial brakes. I don't think it is mirage because I can shoot a group with one and pick up the other and still have a problem. I have other rifles but those are the only 2 I took on the last trip. I did notice that randomly I could see very Cleary and then back to blurred.

I try to keep both eyes open.
The longer I look through the scope really trying to pick a tiny spot my eyes start to fuzz I stop take a deep breath and start over. I’m also trying to get myself trained in 2 eyes open. I seem to do it better shooting from field positions but when I’m shooting groups I seem to close my eye to really bear down.
Nope, just plain prescription. I'm going g to try to get an appointment with the optometrist and see if something is wrong. Might try shooting left handed and see if I still have a problem
Might also try moving your glasses around on your nose, with your face in your regular spot on the stock. Slide the glasses up and down your nose, could be a sweet spot that’s clear or at least better. Good luck.
I'd guess barrel mirage. It doesn't take but a few rounds for it to start to show up. Especially if its dead calm out. The mirage comes straight up in front of the optic.
Yep other than the parallax is hard to find the sweet spot with the vortex. Haven't been happy with that scope but it was expensive and hasn't lost zero yet so it gets to stay til it breaks.
Unless your eye is just getting fatigued or something, it has to be mirage. The scopes will not just make themselves blurry after a few shots. You made need to adjust parallax a little bit after a few minutes behind the rifle though.