Help with a new me

My story is much like yours only my trigger was losing my dad in November of 2010. I am 5’-11” and was at 220 pounds and 35% body fat. Today I am at 180 pounds and 15-16% body fat (more of my story is under the thread Encouragement in trying to lose weight /get fit). I started with eliminating caffeine from my diet and man was that tough. But that was the starting point I have not had extra caffeine (soda, coffee, or tea) for 2 years. Once I kicked that habit I took on something else and so on and so on. The point I am trying to make is pick your battles and the fitness snow ball will keep rolling. Find things to motivate yourself other than hunting. I might take some crap for that but that was never enough for me. I found motivation in my family and in my dad’s passing. I want to be around a long time to harass my wife, kids, and some day grandkids. I also found keeping a spread sheet to be very helpful. When I started I kept food intake, workout stuff, body composition, and body measurements. Now I just keep track of my weight and body fat. I have learned the food piece. As others have stated do not deprive yourself of treats ONCE IN A WHILE. If I am craving something I have learned it is easier to indulge in a SMALL portion to satisfy the craving and then move on. With me if I keep denying myself of something I am craving I will sit down and eat a whole lot of whatever that is and then feel guilty.

I wish you the best of luck in your journey, keep a goal in sight, do something to get off the couch every day, and most importantly be accountable to yourself. If that means checking in here to post your progress please do, I know there are many on here that will encourage and support you as you make these changes.

So here is a quick update, So far I have made it for a week. Its been a stressful week but I have completely cut out soda and beer, lots less sugars and bad food. Been walking between 4 and 7 miles every evening with a 40 pound backpack in the hills behind my house. I where 10 pound ankle weights every night at work. I have lost 11 pounds in this first week and I feel great, tired but great. I went shed hunting this morning and I already feel a difference in my body and stamina, and I think it has changed my mental health a little to. I will keep everyone posted on this. Thanks to everyone for the help and support. I feel great. Daniel
It's great to hear stories of success, Keep at Daniel. I'm the verge of giving up! Im 6'3" 309 lbs and I cna't seem to lose any weight. I have been lifting and running 5-6 days a week since January. Since april I have been riding my Mountain bike to work 1.5 miles 5 days a week to work wlaking on my 2 15 minute breaks and 40 minutes of my 1 hour lunch. Started a company sotball team with two practices a week and a game as well. I run stadium stairs 2-3 times a week and eat between 2300-2800 calories a day. I ran a 5K on saturday in 38 minutes with no walking always jogging, I will push myself until my knees and ankles wont carry me anymore. Starting to wonder why go through all the pain if im not getting any results, any helpful words of wisdom would be appreciated. Thanks
So here is a quick update, So far I have made it for a week. Its been a stressful week but I have completely cut out soda and beer, lots less sugars and bad food. Been walking between 4 and 7 miles every evening with a 40 pound backpack in the hills behind my house. I where 10 pound ankle weights every night at work. I have lost 11 pounds in this first week and I feel great, tired but great. I went shed hunting this morning and I already feel a difference in my body and stamina, and I think it has changed my mental health a little to. I will keep everyone posted on this. Thanks to everyone for the help and support. I feel great. Daniel

Great work Daniel, you accomplished a lot in a single week! Certainly not trying to rain on your parade, but I would encourage you to pace yourself. 11 pounds is a pretty huge weight loss for a 7 day period, and while I am not totally sure (maybe Robby or Les can chime in here) I think there can sometimes be difficulties with rapid weight loss, especially if you keep up at that rate in the next few weeks. The changes you are making all sound healthy, but just be careful you don't burn yourself out! It's good to feel like you worked out, but I would imagine it might be hard to sustain if you are feeling exhausted. Keep up the positive changes, but don't feel obligated to undo years of inactivity or bad nutrition in a single week or month. Sounds like you are on the right track, but go easy...its more a marathon than a sprint!
It's great to hear stories of success, Keep at Daniel. I'm the verge of giving up! Im 6'3" 309 lbs and I cna't seem to lose any weight. I have been lifting and running 5-6 days a week since January. Since april I have been riding my Mountain bike to work 1.5 miles 5 days a week to work wlaking on my 2 15 minute breaks and 40 minutes of my 1 hour lunch. Started a company sotball team with two practices a week and a game as well. I run stadium stairs 2-3 times a week and eat between 2300-2800 calories a day. I ran a 5K on saturday in 38 minutes with no walking always jogging, I will push myself until my knees and ankles wont carry me anymore. Starting to wonder why go through all the pain if im not getting any results, any helpful words of wisdom would be appreciated. Thanks
You say you aren't getting any results, but can you lift more weight or run any faster than when you started? I know we all want to see those numbers on the scale dropping, but there are other ways to measure progress... Have you taken any body measurements? Sometimes you can lose inches in fatter areas and gain or stay the same weight as you build muscle and lose fat. Might be worth checking out those body fat measurements people are always talking about too. Try not to get discouraged, it sounds like you have made some awesome lifestyle changes and I imagine you would have to start seeing some sort of results with the kind of effort you are putting in...
Great Job Daniel.

I'd second Becca and give you a heads up that the next 11 pounds won't come off as fast as the first (usually) as a pretty good chunk of initial losses is water- which doesn't look good on us either- so just don't get discouraged if it slows. Just keep up the behaivors and the scale will follow.

If that activity level you listed is a big jump from where you were before, WATCH OUT FOR OVERTRAINING INJURIES. Things like shin splints, sore knees, ITB syndrom, plantar fascitis (sp?). Nothing derails progress like injuries. Pace yourself, crosstrain, and get enough sleep (7-9 hours)

Great Job!
Great to hear your progesss. Having a place to tell of your successes or talk about your frustrations is just as important as having a great workout. We all need the support system.

I wish I had a majic bullet for you, but I do not. keep up the good work. At 300 pounds a 38 min. 5K sounds pretty good to me. Even though you have not lost the weight you would like I bet you will feel the difference in the mountains this fall. Just a question have you had blood work done. I know of several people that were not able to lose weight and it turned out they had a medical condition keeping the weight from coming off. Just a thought. Stay strong.
another update and a set back, still going fairly good as far as working out goes, still feeling great but listening to everyone on not overdoing it. The setback is i cheated on my diet the last two days, my wife and I have decided to separate and im having a hard time with the whole situation. Maybe with a little encouragement and self motivation I can get through this crap and maintain and surpass my goal. Thanks again to everyone for the help and advice. Im gonna get through this.
Ethan, I've been lurking here long enough, and in the workout game long enough to know what you're going through. How's your diet? There's people here that can really get you on track with that. Remember too, it probably took you a long time to get up to the weight you were at, it'll take a while to get rid of it too. Like Becca said, if you're seeing improvements in performance, that's something to really focus on much more so than the scale. Worry about getting faster and stronger, the rest will fall into place with a little nudging.

Daniel, don't beat yourself up over eating poorly for a couple days, it happens and every once in awhile you need it anyway. Use your exercise time as a stress release. Believe me, it works.
So a quick update and thank you for everyone following and for everyone that has helped out with advice and tips. The weight loss definately slowed down but I have kept up on a low carb high protein diet. No soda, no harmful sugars and suprisingly not a single beer. Feeling great, slowed a little on how hard I was working but have got myself on a steady schedule of between 2-5 mile walk/run 3 times a week, weightlifting to some extent 5 days out of the week. Then on either saturday or sunday I will do a strenuous hike between 5 to 15 miles. Have I mentioned I feel great. Now to the weight loss result- Im sitting right at 173 pounds, I feel stronger than ever, look great and I can actually see some abs lol. Thank you again everyone here on rokslide for the support. Daniel
Very inspiring Daniel!

Congratulations. Keep it up. I am sure you are going to like having the "new you" smiling back at you in your trophy photos this fall!
Nice job Daniel!
Now that you have got the weight off you should check out This site will help with the correct calories to be consumed for the amount of working out and all the correct amount of each food group. I used to be a low carb high protein guy and it does help with weight loss but you will feel even better with the correct nourishment. Just keep your complex carbs to early in the day and then simple carbs at end of day and not a lot of supplements, get your protein from foods and not GMOs