Help Patterning My BOAL

Feb 14, 2021
So I found "the one". He's not the biggest deer in the west, but he would be the biggest buck I ever harvested.

Long story short, I found him bedded in thick-ish timber at around 1300 in the afternoon during a scouting trip. He is about 1 mile below tree line as the crow flies, and appears to have everything a deer would want in the surrounding area (feed, water, and shelter).

I'm wondering how to hunt this deer. I don't necessarily think he's going to show himself above tree line. In all my scouting in this unit (this is CO) I haven't picked anything up above tree line and deer seem to be more than content in the timber.

My tentative plan is to see what game trails connect to/from this bedding area and hang a camera or two. If the season started today (I'm hunting muzzleloader, which opens 9/14), I'd likely still hunt that bedding area.

Anything else I should be thinking about or considering? It's impossible to glass effectively in this timber, but it is where I found deer.


Jul 6, 2014
I really like setting an ambush for the situation you are describing. I’d get there a day or 2 before the season and try to relocate him from a distance, then make a game plan on where to set my ambush. I’m no expert, but I’ve hunted deer using this method with some success, good luck!
Oct 10, 2018
Can u get across from the area and watch from afar? I found a great buck and set up camp four days before season òpened. Watched him and his buddies all day for each of those 4 days. Killed him opening morning at 10 am. To be able to watch him BEFORE the hunt starts is key. You don't have to "do anything" but watch and gain knowledge. Then u have a far better understanding of the behaviors he is doing each day. Good luck!!!
Mar 31, 2019
Weiser, ID
Can u get across from the area and watch from afar? I found a great buck and set up camp four days before season òpened. Watched him and his buddies all day for each of those 4 days. Killed him opening morning at 10 am. To be able to watch him BEFORE the hunt starts is key. You don't have to "do anything" but watch and gain knowledge. Then u have a far better understanding of the behaviors he is doing each day. Good luck!!!
Do this^^^^^ Lots of this^^^^^


May 29, 2019
Patterning is watching his movements from and to his multiple bedding and feeding areas. Some bucks will move from one area to another, circling a mountain or main area. Knowing these will help you find him.

I glassed for a buck for four days, morning and evening, taking a break mid day a couple of times. Finally watched him bed on day four, killed him the next evening leaving that bed. He wasn't traveling very far each day in any direction. He had a little pocket that was protected from view, with food and water. Wind was at his back and he could see 180 degrees to the top and bottom of the ridge he was on.


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