Help me plan the rest of my hunting life.

Apr 14, 2021
Ok guys, after 5 DIY trips out west I’ll never be the same. I’d just as soon throw rocks at a tree stand than sit in one again. Didn’t draw this year (MT general deer) and I’m trying to cook up a strategy for the next 25 years. I’m 43 and want to start applying for preference points so that I have a good chance of hunting every year (or so). What states should I avoid? I know some have to be a waste of time. SD, ND, and Nebraska seem to lack the things I’m looking for -ie. nonresident Mule Deer opportunities. MT, WY, CO, and possibly AZ? Not wanting to load up on points for a pie-in-the-sky trophy, just want to enjoy the great country we are blessed with and chase a decent 4x4 buck. This may be a crazy request, but hopefully there is someone who can nudge me in the right direction. I’m all ears 🙂
I cant speak for any other states and im not sure if your interested in utah but if your after mule deer here then you better start putting in for LE mule deer if your interested in that sort of stuff at all or think you ever will be because it takes a ton of points to draw even as a resident. You should be able to get a general season tag every couple years though.
You want to hunt mule deer and think Nebraska is a waste of time with OTC archery tags...???

are you strictly a gun hunter?
Sorry, I’d read some negative things about NE, but have no experience. Seems that folks implied the mule deer were really few and far between on the public land. Sounds like I need to do more research on the state -and that this thread is proving helpful, so thank you 👍 I love bow hunting. It’s easily my favorite. The men I hunt with are rifle hunters when it comes to going out west (more of a sure thing I guess). Also, when my wife joins me it is strictly rifle -though I’ve carried a bow during rifle season in MT.
I'd avoid Nebraska . . . 2% public land state wide and more hunters every year on public. If you can't get access to private it can be a real pita.
I would not be afraid of SD and NE. You do hear about access issues getting on public land, but what you don't hear are the countless times I've cold called and knocked on doors and gotten access in WY, ID, WA, NE, CO, NM, KS. And virtually all that have allowed me to hunt on their property have invited me back. I would never fear getting access.

ID has tags as well.
I have found that when I am trying to determine my purpose in life that it is extremely helpful if I have cold beer, 12 year old bourbon, a hunting dog sitting next to me and a good cigar. Eventually, I enter a zen state, slow my breathing and become one with my environment. It is during those moments of zen that I realize that non of this crap matters, it is what I make of it, hunting something is better than hunting nothing and I need to buy more cigars.
I have found that when I am trying to determine my purpose in life that it is extremely helpful if I have cold beer, 12 year old bourbon, a hunting dog sitting next to me and a good cigar. Eventually, I enter a zen state, slow my breathing and become one with my environment. It is during those moments of zen that I realize that non of this crap matters, it is what I make of it, hunting something is better than hunting nothing and I need to buy more cigars.
I always called that blacking out.

Nothing like a raging hangover to make all other problems seem insignificant. Cheers, gentlemen!
Hunt what you can, where you can. Doesnt matter what you're hunting, as long as you're hunting.
Apply in other states but look locally for your bread and butter.
I've been out West the past 2 years but have no tags or plans on returning this year. And thats cool.
Lots of options out there, just have to look.
IF you truly want to go on a quality hunt every year you shouldnt really rule out any draw states. States like CO,WY, NV, will take a few points to draw good units and I'd plan it to where you hope to draw one of those states every year and use the others(MT,NE) as a fall back plan for years you don't draw. As someone who used to live in Western NE, I'd chalk it up as a last resort if looking to hunt mule deer on public land.
You might consider a one time subscription to something like Huntin' Fool. Then speak with one of their advisors about short term and long term goals. They helped me set up a go forward plan where I can hunt something every year and then sprinkle in higher point tags every few years.
If its consistent opportunity and public land you are looking for then consider these states: Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Arizona and Colorado. You could hunt over-the-counter tags in Idaho and Arizona any year. Idaho nonresident tags go on sale in December and are capped. So be prepared to sit on the computer the morning they go on sale. If you can only do one hunt a year then that will be your hunt and you'll have almost a year to plan. Arizona is an archery hunt and as we saw this year...subject to change.

You could build points in the other states if you do the OTC hunts. You could pick to apply to either Colorado or Montana in a year. Their app seasons overlap so apply to one and build points in the other. Wait for the results of Montana or Colorado to come out and if you don't draw your tag then apply to Wyoming. If all that fails, look at returned tags in Colorado and Idaho and see if any good ones come up.
I’ll look into huntin fool, thanks for the suggestion. And thanks for all the above posts 👍 Lotsa good info. Moving out west would kinda be a dream, but I’m married to my land in a sense. I just can’t see leaving the farm. Also, it would only help alleviate one state, though I guess I’d just hunt MT like crazy until I’m to old to go. The idea of seeing new places/states is so appealing to me.