Help me decide on a unit - CO Elk


Jul 3, 2012
Littleton, CO
I have 10 points for elk in Colorado. Looking at an archery hunt this year - deciding between units 40, 49 and 76. Should be able to draw any of those three.

Sort of leaning towards 49 because I have limited time and it's close to home so I could hunt multiple weekends. I've heard about land access issues in 40, not sure if that's correct or not. Wondering if I should go for 76, I've heard a lot of good things about that unit. But 76 is huge, and with limited time not sure I'd be able to get to where I need to be.

I'd like to hear any thoughts from those who have experience with those units, and what you would choose with 10 points. Thanks!
Been building points and no unit in mind? Looks like you’ve decided on 49 for multiple reasons. Start scouting, draw it and hunt as much as possible.
Some more background - the limited time issue is something that's not going away soon. Single parent. I want to burn at 10 points because I'm entering no man's land between 10 and 20. I have good places I can hunt at 0-2 points that I want to get back to.

I guess the crux of the question is - are 40 and 76 that much better than 49, to where it is better to hunt those for a max of 7-8 days, or is it smarter to hunt 49 and be able to scout more and hunt 10-15 days? Not that interested in a guide, I've already shot several elk and I just want a fun hunt.
I'm in the same boat, just not considering 49. I've been torn for several years between 76 and 40. I won't be burning points this year because my wife is pregnant and I know I won't be able to hunt like I want to with a new baby at home.

I love the backcountry experience. Hiking lots of miles without worrying about private land. Finding myself in rugged places where I ask myself "Am I an idiot for trying to kill an elk this deep?" Therefore I lean towards 76 once I decide to cash in.

However, I think 40 holds the potential for some next level bulls. Access can be tough, but if you look at maps and spend some time on the phone with BLM folks, you can figure it out.
I lived in GJ for 15 years and I’ve known dozens of guys that have hunted 40. I get the allure of 40, and for sure the genetics are there, but especially during the early season there’s just not a ton of public to hunt. With how mainstream OnX became there’s been more and more guys trying to do it DIY than ever which has put more pressure on those few areas that hold elk on public. Practically nobody knows how to score an elk on the hoof so many of the stories are inflated. There’s that next level potential that everyone talks about but far less than 10% of guys, even locals who scout all year, actually kill a BIG bull DIY on public. If you're looking to go guided at that point level you're looking at the right unit for sure. Unguided during archery/muzzy it's most likely to be a frustrating experience rather than enjoyable. You never know, though.
I was in the same boat as you. I went 40, archery, on private. Well - that's where I'm going this year that is. I've heard lots of good things about 40 if you have the right access depending on the season/weapon. I do think 76 would be cool based on what I've heard and read about it - sounds like some awesome scenery to be hunting. My friend cashed in his points for a rifle hunt there and shot a nice bull, nothing huge.
Call Colorado hunt planner (maybe multiple times because diff people and diff opinions), call the areas’ CPW warden/biologist, and do e-scouting.

That’s a lot of points. Maybe even do OTC this year and go travel those spots to scout so next year you feel great about going into the archery season VS taking a gamble with 10 points.

I’ve hunted mule deer in 49 in late Oct, so I can’t provide good judgement on September archery for elk.

Try keyword searches on google to see if this or other forums provide any insight into those areas for archery.

If you are hell bent on burning those points then stay close in area 49 to maximize your time. I bet ya could even find the time in august to scout because you’ll be pumped about the hunt and it’s closest area to ya

Good luck.

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If you want to see less people (possibly even no people) then go 76. A lot of areas in there to get away......even close to the truck. 49 is so close to the front range that it will be filled with many non-hunters as well.
Limited time, unguided, that rules out 40. The guide gets you on private which is important for archery, a bit less so for later rifle seasons.
I lived in GJ for 15 years and I’ve known dozens of guys that have hunted 40. I get the allure of 40, and for sure the genetics are there, but especially during the early season there’s just not a ton of public to hunt. With how mainstream OnX became there’s been more and more guys trying to do it DIY than ever which has put more pressure on those few areas that hold elk on public. Practically nobody knows how to score an elk on the hoof so many of the stories are inflated. There’s that next level potential that everyone talks about but far less than 10% of guys, even locals who scout all year, actually kill a BIG bull DIY on public. If you're looking to go guided at that point level you're looking at the right unit for sure. Unguided during archery/muzzy it's most likely to be a frustrating experience rather than enjoyable. You never know, though.
Are there any trespass fee hunts on ranches or is it pretty much DYI on public or fully guided?
I'm at the same level on my points, was planning on cashing out on 76 this year, for muzzleloader. But then I got the "don't plan on too much vacation time, big project finishing up in the fall" line from work. Not going to risk it, I want a week before the season to locate the bull I want, and the full season to hunt him. Instead, I'll hopefully be bear hunting this year in the unit to supplement my summer scouting. Otherwise, 2nd rifle OTC/ cow draw elsewhere and a good in-season scouting trip this year. I wouldn't burn 10 points without a very good game plan A,B & C. That said if you can stay close to home and scout 49 all summer, then that's your unit.
In my experience, if you haven't hunted a unit before, the first couple days of the season are almost "hunt while you scout" days.
I love hunting new units that I've never hunted before. The whole season becomes "hunting while scouting". But I also enjoy doing that even in units I've hunted for years. Can't possibly cover every square mile in some of these units even in a lifetime, but I've been very successful over the years when I was hunting while scouting. Exploring new spots is fun, and might as well be carrying a tag and bow at the same time. I prefer that to scouting during the summer.
Are there any trespass fee hunts on ranches or is it pretty much DYI on public or fully guided?
None of the reputable outfits advertise trespass fee hunts as far as I'm aware. Doesn't hurt to give them all a call to see, though, if that's a route you're interested in.