Help! dents in case shoulder.

Too much lube. As has been said. Not a die problem. If I was inclined, I could go down to the reloading room and duplicate that and take a picture. But you'll have to trust me and others on this one.

Keep backing off the die a hair to the point the cases chamber with a bit of resistance. Then turn back down an eight of a turn or a bit at a time until they chamber resistance free. Running the die too tight the load on the shoulder during sizing and exacerbates the issue.
Well if I use less lube I wouldn't be using any lube at all. Look at post #15 I think the die might be undersized/ unfinished die.

6.5 PRC
6mm rem20241123_183254.jpg


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You said you have a good experience reloading, I'm not trying to come across as a tart. Definitely you have a pretty good process of elimination. If the die is sizing too small, is that with the shell holder touching the die at full compression? That's where my suggestion to back off the sizing die a bit at a time to see if that eliminates the problem. As long as the cartridges chamber, that's you're number one desire. And the less sizing the better with respect to the case fitting the chamber. JAT(s).
You need to back your die out as suggested with the amount of lube you’re using and keep backing it out until the case is snug in your rifle. Once snug, turn it back down. Same thing that Mr Whelen said and also the link I posted. Your die is made to be user adjustable. You’ve maxed it out if you’re on the shell holder. You’re bumping your shoulders .006 when you should bump them .002. For your current setup, you have excessive lube, but that’s a fix that would correct it.
I had this problem with a redding die. Bought a forster with a vent hole and the dents went away. I was thinking it was too much lube, but it still did it with no lube at all. It was air getting sealed in between the die and case.
As cases are tapered (and dies by necessity to work with tapered cases), backing the die off a little bit at a time until slight resistance when chambering, then go back down till there's no resistance, the shoulder shouldn't squeeze down the full .006". It would be great if everything was set it and forget it but manufacturing tolerances can't account for the need to tweak things in all situations, IMO. I have a Redding die for my 35 Wheen AI. I can get case dents as well when sizing to the nth degree. Keeping the die clean and adjusted to size the minimum amount makes it a non issue.

Edit: as is said below, the case shoulder doesn't need lube. Accumulated lube will dent the case neck eventually, just be sure you are not lubing the shoulder area.
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I’ve struggled with Redding dies not having a vent hole, and denting shoulders. Went to hornady dies with a vent no issue.
I'm not saying that you're doing this but in case you are, do not apply lube to the shoulder. It should only be on the case body and on the case neck, but only close to the case mouth. You might have to clean the lube out of the die and start over.
I'm gonna go on a limb from almost 25 years ago. Bought a Savage Model 99 in 284 Winchester at a pawnshop. Before that cartridge and that rifle was something you would never find at any pawn shop, LOL.

Cases would not chamber properly and would jump the extractor here and there on extraction. I was sure I needed a small base die. RCBS was very gracious, and with a couple fired cases made a small base custom die.

Took the gun to a gunsmith during the interim of waiting on the small base die. He said the chamber was dirty as crap, and fully cleaned and polished it up. Never had an issue with the standard die again even after the small base die came.
Well just got a case stuck in the die, die was not bottomed out on the shell holder. Guess I used to much case lube.
Well just got a case stuck in the die, die was not bottomed out on the shell holder. Guess I used to much case lube.
I had the same thing happen screwing around trying to get the dents to stop with my 6.5 PRC Redding die.

I reduced lube to the point of getting a case stuck.

Toss that conjoined mess in the trash and get a Hornady die and you'll be sane again.
Hey, you are using the process of elimination. Sorry to be redundant and ask it was already said,you are only lubing the case body, correct?

Help me recall from earlier in the thread, how often have you cleaned the die. Brake cleaner or carb cleaner does a great job. Keep in mind, after cleaning the die, it's going to take a couple cases to season the die again as it's down to naked surface.
Hey, you are using the process of elimination. Sorry to be redundant and ask it was already said,you are only lubing the case body, correct?

Help me recall from earlier in the thread, how often have you cleaned the die. Brake cleaner or carb cleaner does a great job. Keep in mind, after cleaning the die, it's going to take a couple cases to season the die again as it's down to naked surface.
Yes only lubing the body, I dab my finger just slightly in the wax then roll the body of the case between my thumb and finger will lube 6-8 cases before reaplying the wax.
The die got cleaned before initial use. Before first use I spray dies first with brake cleaner then with 99% isopropyl alcohol using bore brushes and swabs. and finish up with a blast of compressed air.
Then the same procedure again after I think the 4th case.
I ran one of the fired cases down the die an 1/8th turn at a time and checked in gun with firing pin assy. taken out. I didn't get easy bolt lift untill I was touching shell holder.

It's not outside the realm of things that have happened before to have dies that are not working right. See what you can do with Redding or pick up another set. Either way, hopefully it fixes where you're at.
This is a good live action exercise, so to speak. You definitely are checking things off the list.
This is a good live action exercise, so to speak. You definitely are checking things off the list.
I really appreciate your help, will talk to Redding on monday and see what they have to say.

As others have stated, sounds like excessive lube, the photo provided doesn't show much if any dent(s). Brake cleaner or carb cleaner will clean out the die. But effects on the brass are negligible, load them up and shoot.