Hells Canyon Armory T-shirt ideas!

May 29, 2012
Lewiston ID
Hello everyone!

In a nutshell: We're looking for the best T-shirt and sweatshirt 'slogan' ideas from our customer base. Will run this thread until Sunday afternoon and the winner will receive both a free T-shirt as well as HCA fleece beanie!

This is what will be printed on the front of the shirts/sweatshirts. We are looking for cool ideas to print on the back!


One person has already suggested:
"Keep Calm and Send It" (For those of you familiar with 'The Chive') :cool:

So throw out your ideas and this sunday I'll pick a winner and get you a free T-shirt and beanie in the mail when they are finished! Thanks so much everyone.

i think a target with clover leafed holes with yardage and hca written in the corner
then something clever below it like "were more than off the shelf accuracy" idk
I think that could be a good one for sure!

FTF not a bad idea! Would be cool to have it on a load data target or something similar!

Any other ideas all?

I like that idea with the load data target, but I would print something like "HCA, where sub MOA is more than a goal, it's a standard"
1-"Our loads shoot straighter" (get as crazy as you want with that design)

2-"We encourage a zombie apocalypse"( couple guys facing forward but you only see their backs. They are sitting in patio chairs. All have Guns in both hands and there is a crowd of zombies moving toward them.

3-"Reach out and touch em" (animated bullet slapping an elk)

4-"Zeroed at excellence"
(Mil dot crosshairs centered on the word excellence)

5-"We aim for perfection"( mil dot crosshairs centered on perfection maybe an x between the e&c on perfection with a clover in the center of the x)

6-"Zeroing in on excellence"(same as #4)

7-"Throwin lead since 200??" (Fill in year)" (animated ar rifle with one leg up like a major league pitcher and throwing a handfull of shells)

8-"1/2" moa? Unacceptable at HCA"( busy sight in target with a clover in the center)
"Confidence in your crosshairs"

9-"Keep calm and shoot on"

10-"Aim high and pray?!.. Not at HCA"

11-"The shot of a lifetime doesnt come everyday. Rely on your purchase from HCA" (silhouette of someone behind rifle in prone position)

12- "precision and confidence in every way. Trust your firearm from HCA"

13- rucksacks & huntin packs we build guns for both.

14- "precision is our goal, multiple bullets. Same hole."

15- "were only a click away"( picture of a hand on a adjustable turrett scope)

16- At HCA
( just trying to come from all angles here. Different strokes for different folks :) )

More to come. My major is "free stuff" ill get one you cant deny :).
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Haha those are all great Hardstalk! I'm not a very creative person but I'm digging some of these! :)

I really like the "Reach out and touch 'em"... could even do a "Reach out and smack something" with a steel silhouette and bullet flight path or any number of variables!

I like these ideas.

How about a prairie dog( or any other animal) with the look of defeat in crosshairs smoking his last cigarette
All great ideas guys I got a few personal favorites! Will be running this all week and putting an order in next monday so we got some time to pick a winner! ;)

Thats an original idea there!

I really like both themes we got going on here, in that there's a lot of hunting input as well as some long range shooting ideas. As HCA is mainly geared towards precision shooting supplies (and soon to be rifles) I think I'd like more of a 'tactical' or long range precision theme to the shirts... I think once we have our rifles up and running and as the business progresses into that arena more and more, I'd definitely like to do some more hunting related shirts, but at this point, I'd like to keep it geared more towards the shooting sports if that makes sense? Thanks for the ideas all and keep 'em coming!
