Helene destroyed my hunting season


Sep 16, 2024
I believe hurricane Helene has put a premature ending to my hunting season. I hunt western NC and the storms have absolutely devastated the area. My stands are all destroyed, 50-75% of the trees that make up the woods I hunt are all fallen over, the road to get in and out of that piece of the property has trees all across it. I guess I’ll be spending my time getting prepped for next year. I do have a pop up ground blind I can throw up. I absolutely can’t complain, people lost their lives, houses, cars, businesses, possessions, etc. My wife and I drove up to check on her parents that live there (I hunt on their land) and it’s truly like a third world country. Please pray for all those who have suffered loses.


Mar 6, 2017
East TN here. We were very blessed personally but the surrounding areas will most likely never recover from this. Erwin, Chimney Rock, Dollywood, Newport, Asheville, Burnsville and many others are gone are might as well be. The people and livestock that has been lost. May God’s grace shine down on those affected. Praying for everyone!
Dec 13, 2023
Helene was like Camille. Go look up that hurricane if you don't know about it.
Yeah! I wasn't in Alabama, but I remember Camille!
That (W?)itch came onshore (Mobile?) with an outlandish storm surge!
Backed off out into the Gulf and came back....AGAIN....even stronger and more devastating!
Anyone who survived one if THOSE "stormwatch" parties had a harrowing and wild ride with Mr. Toad!

I also remember when Carla hit around Houston! I've never experienced rain like that before or since!
Carla rolled in, took a swipe at San Antonio. Up through the DFW "Metromess" and eventually died up near St. Louis, MO!

Camille and Carla were heartless *itches!
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Jun 15, 2017
San Antonio
Sorry to hear that man.

Years ago my best buddy was set to make his first Western trip with me for Antelope, then Harvey too his roof off so he had to cancel. He never has made it out West with me. I think that would've been the ice breaker that got him started.
Sep 26, 2024
Glad to hear your family is safe and only materialistic things were damaged. I’m in Santa Rosa Beach Florida and the eye of the storm just missed us but we got a lot of rain and some minor flooding nothing major at all thank god but if you ever find yourself this way during the season shoot me a message and I’ll be glad to hit the woods with you man. Hope everything works out as far as clean up goes and I’ll pray for the families that lost.
Aug 11, 2017
I’m in Tampa/Clearwater area and it’s awful. I came in Tuesday night from 2 weeks on the mountain, prepped Wednesday, it hit Thursday…. Talk about extreme ends of the spectrum!
We didn’t have too much damage, got power back today. Have family that lives on the beach and intercostal, it’s like a war zone. 5 ft of water in their houses, still 2 ft of sand, it’s going to be a long time before Tampa/Clearwater/St Pete is the same.


Sep 16, 2024
East TN here. We were very blessed personally but the surrounding areas will most likely never recover from this. Erwin, Chimney Rock, Dollywood, Newport, Asheville, Burnsville and many others are gone are might as well be. The people and livestock that has been lost. May God’s grace shine down on those affected. Praying for everyone!
I live in East TN as well, it’s crazy the devastation surrounding areas received and our area has been nearly untouched


Sep 16, 2024
Sorry to hear that man.

Years ago my best buddy was set to make his first Western trip with me for Antelope, then Harvey too his roof off so he had to cancel. He never has made it out West with me. I think that would've been the ice breaker that got him started.
Hate to hear that! I can’t complain, I still can hunt my neighbors property in TN but it’s not near as good as my in laws place in NC. But we are extremely fortunate to not have been caught in the path of the storm


Sep 16, 2024
Glad to hear your family is safe and only materialistic things were damaged. I’m in Santa Rosa Beach Florida and the eye of the storm just missed us but we got a lot of rain and some minor flooding nothing major at all thank god but if you ever find yourself this way during the season shoot me a message and I’ll be glad to hit the woods with you man. Hope everything works out as far as clean up goes and I’ll pray for the families that lost.
Wow that is more than generous of you! Glad to hear all is well your way considering what could’ve been. Thank you!


Sep 16, 2024
I’m in Tampa/Clearwater area and it’s awful. I came in Tuesday night from 2 weeks on the mountain, prepped Wednesday, it hit Thursday…. Talk about extreme ends of the spectrum!
We didn’t have too much damage, got power back today. Have family that lives on the beach and intercostal, it’s like a war zone. 5 ft of water in their houses, still 2 ft of sand, it’s going to be a long time before Tampa/Clearwater/St Pete is the same.
Wow that’s wild! Glad your family is safe but I hate that for the other part of your family that got the worst of it. It really is like a war zone, absolute craziness
May 6, 2018
Shenandoah Valley
It's hard to fathom what over 30" of rainfall can do in the mountains.

Hard to tell what all has happened, seems a lot of communication is limited to ham radio, but it's sounding like some areas are pretty terrible.

A Facebook post that was sent to me:

The few things here that are open and or have supplies are maxed out and empty.

Roads closed. You can literally cross a bridge and turn around and come back and it’s “closed”. Ask us how we know.

There are no words for the amount of water that was in some places. Or the power it hit with. Jaw droping.

No phone service.

No hotels.

No water

No power.

It took us an entire day to move what should have amounted to 40 miles

Literal towns wiped off the map. All infrastructure gone and will have to be completely rebuilt.

Oh, and as usual. The government can mess up a wet dream. Never have I ever been more terrified of the words “I’m from the government and here to help”. Get your cash. Carry your guns. Be self sufficient. Always.

Thanks for everyone helping support us.
Apr 9, 2023
Yeah! I wasn't in Alabama, but I remember Camille!
That (W?)itch came onshore (Mobile?) with an outlandish storm surge!
Backed off out into the Gulf and came back....AGAIN....even stronger and more devastating!
Anyone who survived one if THOSE "stormwatch" parties had a harrowing and wild ride with Mr. Toad!

I also remember when Carla hit around Houston! I've never experienced rain like that before or since!
Carla rolled in, took a swipe at San Antonio. Up through the DFW "Metromess" and eventually died up near St. Louis, MO!

Camille and Carla were heartless *itches!
Camille was in 1969 and scoured the Mississippi gulf coast almost completely clean. Did not come ashore in the Mobile area but we felt the effects nonetheless. She was a relatively small and compact storm. Winds clocked at 200 mph in the Gulfport area at landfall.
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Apr 9, 2023
As far from the storm track as it is, the Savannah area has had widespread power outages, trees and debris everywhere. Got power back in our subdivision yesterday. This storm really was far worse than expected.