I’ve seen as many or more ( actually quite a bit more) animals lost to people using heavy arrows then “ normal” ones. Why, because they think think they can shoot animals any where and at any angle and they are going to kill them. They truly believe they are going to shoot clean through any thing they shoot at, no matter what, or how far, It’s many times a “ false sense of security” they are getting listening to these “ promoters” of heavy arrows and high foc.Let me put this in perspective a bit for some of you folks that only hunt whitetail. I live in a state where I can hunt 4 species of bears, moose, caribou, deer, predators, goat/sheep and some other small game. I also use my same setup to hint whitetail in Minnesota every season. What I'm getting at is just because a light arrow works on your deer doesn't mean it's going to work for everyone. I would never consider going into the woods with anything short of a 500g+ arrow and a proven mech or solid. I agree 700g is a bit silly but it could be just what some people need to ensure success on there hunts.
Btw if everyone told all the stories of the animals that got away I have a feeling heavy arrows with solid heads would be more appealing to most but people don't want to tell you there light arrow going 285fps didn't go through a deer shoulder or lodged in a hip.