Have you ever seen a wolverine in the Lower 48?

Have you ever seen a wolverine in the lower 48 states?

  • Yes

    Votes: 69 32.7%
  • No

    Votes: 142 67.3%

  • Total voters
Over the years I’ve seen 4 and feel very lucky to say so. Area where I live in central Idaho the population seem to be doing better though. First one I saw was on a mountain bike trail at less than 10 yds. What’s funny is my buddy was on the trail in front of me cow calling some elk that were in the area and never even saw it standing there basically right in front of him. He still doesn’t believe me to this day🤣 the last one I saw this season at 200 yds while I was putting a stalk on a group of bedded antelope (high elevation antelope), he came out right above the antelope on the ridge top and was checking the wind scanning back n forth on the ridge right above like he was looking for them. Couldn’t help but think he was putting his own stalk on;-) both of us were unsuccessful lol
I was with 3 buddies last summer early afternoon about 15 miles from my house (we live in a very small mountain community in Idaho), we had a large wolverine trot across in front of us about ~150+yrds out. Never thought I would see one in person because they are quite rare. Not sure if it was aware of us but it didn’t have a care in the world. I’ve seen a few mountain lions, wolves, and grizzlies over the years. This was for sure a gem of a sighting for me.
Supposedly when i was a kid, I remember it but mostly I think from the family telling stories about it. Happened near Eureka Montana in the mid 80's.
I lived about 10 miles south of Eureka in the mid '70s. There was a family in Eureka that was heavy into hunting and trapping. One winter they trapped 27 wolverines in the Upper Whitefish Mountain Range. FWP didn't know there were even that many Wolverines in that entire mountain range.

In the late '90s or early 2000s, a MT FWP biologist gave a presentation on wolverines at our office, and one thing that he said is that they will often range 100 miles.
I hunt right around where they are in WY but haven't laid eyes on one.

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I wanted to update this.

I did seen a wolverine. About 200 yards away running along a cliff band in an extremely remote area about 2 miles from the Yellowstone Border. We were at 9800 feet and several miles from the nearest trail.

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Spotted one in the Mokelumne Wilderness about 25 miles south of Tahoe in the early 90s so when I read the reports of a wolverine confirmation near Tahoe in 2015 it was surprising to find out that there weren't any sightings since the 1920s.

There wasn't any internet in the early 90's so unless you had a specific interest in wolverines you wouldn't have been very likely to think it was a huge deal. A few years ago, I ran across a web site where people recounted their wolverine sightings from Northern California down to the Southern Sierra's. Most of them relayed that they contacted Fish and Game or the Forest Service and were told they were mistaken.

I definitely feel lucky to have had a brief encounter. Still keep hoping for another encounter one day...

Was bird hunting some public land in IA sometime around 2007, on a piece where I ever saw other people and was bordered by some private land that was just unused. It was far enough away that I cant say I positively identified it and I didnt have glass on me. But I cant come up with any other thing that would have been a reasonable fit for what I saw.

Second time was in norther WI bird hunting again in county forest land. Cut the trail about 50 yards in front of me. Again I am not comfortable saying it was a positive ID but it sure looked like one and was close enough and moving slow enough that I got a pretty good look.

In both cases location would have been highly unlikely though not impossible. I would not call either one a sure thing so will leave it as maybe.