Have you ever got into an argument elk hunting?

Had two older guys stop one afternoon as me and my friend were parked on forest land and getting our packs organized. These two guys stopped, jumped out and started telling us we can’t park there. A game warden had stopped by about 10 minutes before those guys did and checked us out….all good. I just stood there looking at them because I didn’t want to hear their BS and my buddy just stood up and looked at them but he had a .44 on in a chest holster. They saw that .44 and quit talking and left….just like that.
Anyone recall that story in Wisconsin back in 2004? A Hmong immigrant from St. Paul, MN was caught on private property and was told to leave. He left but not before he killed 6 members of the hunting party. Thats as bad as it gets.
yup, my neighborhood. every fall we see van loads come up from the twin cities, along with the conflicts associated.
Anyone recall that story in Wisconsin back in 2004? A Hmong immigrant from St. Paul, MN was caught on private property and was told to leave. He left but not before he killed 6 members of the hunting party. Thats as bad as it gets.
I do. Horrible.
My long time fishing and hunting bud got into arguement during spike season on second last day of hunt early morning. He said some words which just put me in different place and I didn't wanred to hunt with him. Since he doesn't know how to drive I offered him if he wanna hunt here on his own or should I drop him home. He preferred home. I did...came back to hunt ..and ended up killing a huge spike. I never spoke to him ever again. He dug up sone old s#!+ to argue that morning and used some fine choice of words....karma I guess.

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This one was hunting related, although I was working at the time.

My work partner and I came across this little "stash" of stolen stuff while working in SE Idaho at the end of a road near an old mine:


We contacted the local FS office and the LEO was unavailable so we were advised to call the sheriff. We got in touch with them, told them what we found, (mostly tools, concrete stuff, generators, things obviously stolen from work sites). It was late in the day and he asked if we would take them to the place the next morning.

We met them and between the sheriff, their truck and trailer, and ours, we pretty well took up the entire small trailhead parking. We had no choice, and there was an old broke-down unloading ramp there, hadn't been used for years.

Anyway, we head to the end of the road, come around the last corner and the guy that stole all that stuff was there. The 2 officers placed the dude under arrest. They both road their wheelers down and the one officer drove his truck up the road to retrieve all the stuff. Filled a F-250 with an 8 foot bed. We helped them load it all and then went back...had taken a few hours for all this to transpire.

Loaded our ATV's and found this Hallmark inspired note on our truck window:


No good deed goes unpunished...
Haha! i wished i had seen this earlier. This guy obviously knew you!
I got into an argument with an outfitter. He made a total ass out of himself.

Had another guy try to take a bull I had killed. That was less of an argument and more of a confrontation telling him to get off my bull.

Had a landowner claim I was on his land one time. I knew I wasn't and held my ground. Turns out he had a Marijuana grow near where I was headed and he didn't want me near it.

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Have two brush ups over the years. My biggest was this past September on my first elk hunt. But I'll get to that in a second.

1. During late season gun deer hunting my dad and I went down to a private piece of property we had permission to hunt. Dad and I got there around 1pm to make sure we were in the stand before the evening push. We were both hunting opposite ends of a giant field edge. No leaves on the tree, sitting right on the edge. Since it was gun season, dad and I are decked out in blaze orange.

Around 3pm all of a sudden a truck pulls up to the entrance of the field. Someone gets out and proceeds to cross the field walking directly towards me. It's a hunter because he's wearing blaze orange and I can see him walking with his gun. The truck leaves the field and through my binoculars I can tell it's a kid.

The kid walks right to a tree, 30 yds in front of me and begins climbing a stand I didn't even know was there. I was flabbergasted! Here I am, I stick out like a sore thumb, full blaze orange and this kid jumps in a tree right basically right next to me. After an awkward 10 min, I say, "Mighty ballzy sitting right on top of a guy during gun season." Silence. Kid doesn't say a word. Then I say, "Can we at least agree to not shoot towards each other for safety?"

Again, Silence.

Then my phone starts buzzing in my pocket. It's my dad from across the field. Apparently the kids dad went up to my dad and started hollering at my dad cuz I was close to his son. 10 min later the dad comes stomping over to me yelling at me while I'm in the tree. He yelled at me that, "We need to communicate and should tell each other where we are! This is unsafe! Blah, blah."

I went nuts on him. But only after he started yelling at me. I finally shut him up after I yelled back, "You talk about safety! Your son shouldn't be hunting if he can't see a guy in BLAZE ORANGE sitting in a tree with no leaveson a field edge!!" He took his kid out of the tree and went away stomping mad grumbling the whole way. Needless to say it was 4pm by the time and not even a squirrel showed up that evening. Crazy.

Second incident happened this past September. A group of us went Elk hunting and our guide (who we found out later was brand new to guiding) got my dad and I lost. Guide was an absolute idiot. We hunted the Scapegoat Wilderness. TOUGH AND ROUGH and STEEP country.

One afternoon, we were had just finished lunch when I went to the horses 50 yds away to put my garbage in the saddle bag. I actually woke the guide up sleeping next to the horses. He followed me back to my dad and asked what we wanted to do? "Go up or go down?" So my dad and I asked, "What's up and what's down?" He looked at us and said "I don't know, I've never been out this way." My dad said he wanted to go up the mountain and I said I wanted to go down. At the bottom of the mountain it was cooler and there was a creek running through the drainage. Dad said "Let's go up to the top and crest the mountain." My dad's nearing 70 and doesn't have as many hunts in him left, so I relented and we went up.

It's also important to note that our first night in camp, my dad fell in a hole and hurt his knee pretty bad. It swelled up like a grapefruit and he had to miss the first days hunt.

On the 2nd to last day the area we were hunting wad pretty rough. Riding the horses we were in near vertical terrain. Scared the crap out of me.

I have OnX (thank God I did, but more on that later.) I noticed on OnX there's no trails on the top. I relayed that info to the guide and he said "OnX is wrong, they don't have all the trails. We'll be fine."

We get to the top (spectacular view by the way) and sure enough, no trail. So after 10 min of taking pics and admiring the view. I say, "Alright, let's go back down. It's 3pm, we could still get some afternoon movement down low. There's no trail up here." The guide said, "Where's your sense of adventure?" I jumped on OnX and he checked it out and 1.5 miles to our East-Southeast there was a forest service trail. The guide says, "Let's head there."

What a cluster! No trail, horrific bluffs straight down, half way down we were stepping over dead falls, literally PULLING our horses down some of the roughest country imaginable. No way we could ride the horses.

My dad fell 3x, had a pretty deep cut on his shin. At one point, I slipped and fell 40 feet and the only reason I stopped wad because my face met a giant tree. My eye missed a broken 2 inch branch by less than an inch almost lost an eye. My dad slipped and got wedged between a tree and two windfalls almost breaking his leg. And with each passing minute I became more and more irrate. Im just spittin mad at my dad, but most of all my guide. Three separate times we lost our hourses and had to run after them. I had to physically PULL my horse over 4 dead fall trees and they were so thick the horse had to stand on them. Ever seen a horse STAND on a dead tree?! Yeah, its not pretty. Its a miracle the horse didnt break its leg.

It was also getting dark as we started this trek at 3pm and it was not 8pm with the sun fading FAST. And were also 3 hours from base camp. At 830, as were going down the drainage and OnX says we're 0.5 miles from the trail, I asked the guide, "What happens if we get to the bottom and the trail isn't there?" He looks at us and says, "Well.....we make a fire and spend the night."

I went absolutely ballistic, screaming "THAT IS UNACCEPTABLE! ITS YOUR JOB TO KEEP US SAFE!" And proceded to detail everything that had happened up to that point. Not to mention this was grizzly country. I had one additional layer (my rain gear) and 2 granola bars, my emergency med kit, a little bit of water and my knives.

After that, I got out my InReach and messaged my cousin back at camp, telling him of our situation, gave him the coordinates and asked him to send the other two guides in camp.

5 min later I fell again, broke my trekking pole, lost the InReach and lost the reigns of the horse causing the horse to trot off. And it was pitch black. We also weren't allowed to use our Headlamps cuz the horses night vision would be screwed up. So here we are half a mile to go, and can't see a damn thing.

After 30 min, the guide yelled ahead of us that he found the trail. It was a long, silent ride back to camp.

We rolled into camp at 11:30pm. As we were doing so, the two other guides were saddling up the horses to come out and get us. My cousins InReach message had just come through 20 min prior.

I went straight to bed and cussed out the "guide" in our tent knowing full well he could hear us in the kitchen tent next door. I didn't speak to him the remainder of the trip.

It was a bull shit operation, crappy guide, I didn't see an elk and damn near got lost and almost lost an eye. The guides first responsibility is his clients wellbeing and safety. Not going "walk about " and 'exploring." And certain not taking a hobbled 70 yr old man thru one of thr roughest areas of the Scape Goat Wilderness all because you want a "sense of adventure." It's been almost a year now and I still get mad thinking about it. If ya ever want the name of the outfit, let me know, cuz you'll wanna spend your money elsewhere.
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Yep. Got into it with 3 guys and an old man in 2020 on an LE unit. My daughter had the tag. We were set up on 3 Bulls earyl one morning, well before shooting light. you could just make out that they were all good sized Bulls. She was prone, locked loaded, just waiting for legal light. Well, 14 minutes before legal light, some azzhat starts blasting from 700+ yards away ( we were at 550, these guys were quite a ways behind us and to the left, still on the road) he proceeds to fire 4 shots, never getting closer than 5 feet to any of the Bulls.

This was on day 6 of a really hard hunt, my daughter starts yelling and crying, I guess that set me off. I got up and ran to the road fast as I could, of course they were trying to get out of Dodge also, they didn't see us at first I suppose. Caught up to them just as they passed, of course they stopped and all 3 "guides" got out of the truck and proceeded to tell me how I was ruining the hunt for their old man client, and tried to convince me that shooting light is as soon as you can see what you're shooting at. I do believe it would have come to blows if my kid hadn't been there with me, I would have gladly taken a beating if I could have taken one of those inbred yokels with me!
Anyone recall that story in Wisconsin back in 2004? A Hmong immigrant from St. Paul, MN was caught on private property and was told to leave. He left but not before he killed 6 members of the hunting party. Thats as bad as it gets.
Yes, vividly. I was a few miles south of where it happened. I was in my stand and the helicopters were flying north right over me, and sirens going up the county road. My mom had actually went to high school with one of the guys that was killed.
I came close to losing my temper, but I felt happy for the guy.

I parked in an empty parking area during muzzie season at about 0430 and walked in ~500 yards to an area I had been scouting for a few days. I was talking to at least 3 bulls at this point before first light.

They must have been at least 100 yards away in some thick timber, but I was closing the distance.

Right at first light, a shot rings out on the other side of the drainage maybe 75 yards away. A stampede comes thrashing through the forest as 30+ elk storm the trees all around ,me. I panic and draw my bow as the herd blasts through the thick timber in every direction just hoping something would stop; I knew this was my only chance at this point. A bull stops 15 yards in front of me just long of enough for me to recognize its a bull before it takes off. I put my arrow back in my quiver and take a deep breath.

I head over to where the shot was and this guy had taken a massive 6x6. I was disbelief that this dude didn't hear me, considering I called this in. This guy sat there and got on my gravy train while I did all the work. I was happy he was successful, but he took an opportunity from our group to make a shot that morning. He said he heard us, considering I had been calling on/off for close to 2 hours. Still pisses me off to this day.

That's public land hunting for you.
I was once sitting down while archery hunting a ridge on public land. I heard a noise behind me and it was two guys. One of them proceeded to wave me over by using his finger like you'd see on a playground when a kid is in trouble. He tells me he is a guide with his hunter and that in his 18 years of hunting the area, he had never seen someone on that ridge before. It was basically an insinuation that I had once been a guided hunter who was going back to this spot without a guide service. I told him that I had been hunting this area with a friend who had also been on this ridge countless times in the last 20 years. I'd be curious to know if anyone else has ran into a guide and had a similar situation happen to them.
This past archery season, 2021 colorado, drove 200yds past the last camper(site) to the trailhead(road) and walked in 300yds before tossin a locate out. Continued this the next 20min as we walked in further. It was 10pm when we returned to the truck(no responses), and had the guys at that last campsite yelling at us… this is their area, we are trying to sleep, this road is closed to traffic aftr dark and even mentioned they wanted to fight… we gave them that option and in their shorts and boots returned to their campsite. As we drove back by they lit us up with a couple spotlights. All public land, super unfriendly hosts, and no bugles heard… we went to the next location. Thats the only negative i have ran into during past years of hunting out west.