Havalon saw blade capability

Havalon barracuta works fine to split the sternum, making it slightly easier to pull the contents out if that is your method. You might break a blade if you twist it but just carry an extra. Let the saw do the work and don’t force it.

As others mentioned, don’t split the pelvis. Just pull the guts out and away from the animal and either cut around the anus and pull back through, cut through the intestine and leave the small piece if contents allow, or just leave it attached while you pull the hind quarters off. For legs, cut at joints with a knife.

I’ve used the havalon to cut deer rib cages off for bone in chops also. No issues.
Are you just pulling it back through the pelvis hole it goes through?
Do you think the Havalon Saw would not be strong enough for the chest?
@Drenalin i like your idea of using a saw blade just taped up.
I grew up hunting deer in Kodiak and now moose/caribou in the Valley. We don’t use saw for meat. The last 4 moose, 7 deer, 3 caribou have all been broken down with basic havalons. Pelvis stays solid, and cut the soft spots to dislocate joints, even along the ribs and breadbasket. Saw is just for bushes and trees in the way now 🤷‍♂️