Haul Road Hunt


Mar 27, 2016
Heading to a haul road hunt September 14-24. My partner doesn’t really bow hunt so we will be rifle hunting primarily. We are looking at options to get outside the 5 mile corridor. Have a few question as neither of us have been that far north.

Are the rivers walkable on banks/gravel bars that time of year or is it full bank to bank with that low of a gradient river?

Would they be navigable by a small zodiac and a prop motor or do you need a jet?

I have specific spots in mind I can elaborate more through DM’s.

Thank you in advance.
Options are to fly, or jet/airboat up the ivashak. No real secrets on the haul road. Seems like late dates, are you AK residents?
Plan was to try and hike up the Ivashak from pump station 2 and float out on packrafts or try to secure a jet boat. Do you know the cost for an airboat shuttle? I am not a resident but my buddy is. He is guiding until September 11th is the reason we are going so late. Ideally we would be up there sooner. Thank you for your response.