Hey congrats!! I honestly had no idea that a whole second conversation went on lol, but I appreciate you going to bat for me.
For all the other comments here’s some answers/info for them:
Back then when I was reading through I missed the point only code part, so I thought that you applied for units that were high to build up the points for lower point units.
I have no interest in the high point units, I just want to get at least one bull and I want to do it diy. I was thinking a 3-5 point unit will be the best unit I’ll ever try for. I also figure that OTC will eventually go away, so I wanted have some points for a chance in the future.
I’m from Ohio, not texas. I made that username because I have the same username for so much stuff I figured I should switch it up. Now that I’ve been on here enough I can see that anything with texas is a bad username choice to have when it comes to anything Colorado…
Ohio has a very simple license system even compared to neighboring states. The license is good for the whole state. The majority will of draws we have are for youth, veterans, and handicapped, and you draw for specific hunts on a specific week. I also know ohio wanted to try to introduce elk, but I believe the prelim studies showed that the human population in the Appalachian area was too dense to keep elks safe from car traffic.
I didn’t apply last year, I have my own consulting forestry business and March-May is my busy season. I did enjoy the comment that I shouldn’t be running around in the woods! I’ve done forestry and wildfire work in California, Wyoming, Colorado, Montana, Indiana, West Virginia, and Ohio. I’ve also worked for the Forest Service, Weyerhaeuser, and 2 DNR’s.
I did end up applying this year for tags in low-no point units for elk and mule deer. And grabbed a point for pronghorn and bighorn for fun. I was one of those employees that benefited from the fees, so I don’t mind applying for a hunt I may never get to go on.
Good luck with points to everyone this year!