Hanging Euro Mount (no stud available)

Feb 10, 2017
Anybody have luck hanging an elk euro without a stud to screw into? Wife wants to hang a skull in the dining room but the closest stud is about 8” off center. I’m not huge on using drywall anchors but don’t really have another choice. Anybody have luck with the heavy duty anchors? I suggested hanging it in the garage but she is adamant about keeping it inside. Gotta love her for that anyway. I should also add she wants to stay away from mounting to a plaque even though that would help distribute weight better.

Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.
A 300" 6X6 euro weighs around 20lbs. Use a good anchor installed correctly and you should be fine. I have three skull hookers (two screws/anchors) in drywall and they are solid even with the weight being probably 8-10" off the wall. I use these and have never had any issues.
If you’re dedicated to it being there a while and are worried about it, put some adhesive silicone or similar on the back of the mounting plate and screw it in with drywall anchors. Just know this, when it comes off, it wont be pretty…
It depends on big this thing is... The bull I killed in NV a few years ago is very heavy. The last thing you want to come home to is a broken euro on the ground and a big hole in the wall. I would build a small wooden placque like cnelk to spread the weight and maybe catch at least one screw in the stud.

Taxidermist turned me on to these a long time ago. I’ve got a bunch of different taxidermy hanging on these, a big bull elk euro being one of them.

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Is it a deer or an elk. If it's a deer, virtually any drywall anchor woukd be sufficient. I would use a "Zip-it" the weight ratings ste true in those and probably underrated. If it's an elk or large euro I'd use a toggle bolt.

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Do you have a link to that strap you installed on the skull?

I don’t Wildlife Artistry in Livingston MT put that on before shipping the bull to me. PM me if you want Rich’s number. He puts them on all the euros that they do unless you request otherwise.

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1000017754.pngA version of these have been great for hanging whitetail shoulder mounts. I've had two up for 5+ years without any issues. The hook can be bent slightly for euros and/or they can be doubled up.
Standard 1/2 drywall a HD toggle anchor should be just fine, unless it’s some sort of crazy beast.

If you really enjoy drywall work then you could open up a hole in the wall and add a block/brace. (you could also do this from the back of your had access) but I really think that would be overkill for a euro. A big full taxidermy mount with the weight hanging far off the wall might be more of an issue.

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