I carried on belt, under bino rig, on shoulder strap- never cared for any of these for various reasons.
I started carrying my 10 in the mesh pocket on my AGC bino harness. Then I asked Pods8 if he could fab me up a real sleeve to do the same. It will attach to the back of the bino harness where the mesh pocket is, and way more durable. Easy access, doesn't create a lot of bulk below chest, or weight on belt or shoulder strap.
When he finishes it will post it up. It will be universal for my pistols from 357 revolver to my .44 and everything in between.
Every body has their desired set up, but for me, behind the bino harness works best. The mesh pocket just isn't the most durable holster material lol
so Pods8 is making a thin sleeve with tab loops and a bungie strap for quick release for this and it will be perfect without the bulk.