Handgun carrying

If it's a 29 your looking at Alien Gear makes holster for them in their Shape Shifter line. That'll be my answer for this year taking my Shield as I can move the holster from my back pack to my hip faster than just taking my backpack off. A chest rig plus a bino harness is just to much bulk for me.
Many guys are going with Glock G20 or G40 as there is some very potent loads commercially available (1300fps with 200g hardcast for G20 and 1350fps for same for G40) with sixteen rounds available in a platform that has shown tremendous reliabiblity. My loads with 200g hardcast and 200g XTPs are doing 1400fps out of the G40 with KKM barrel and 24 lb recoil spring. That's nearly 900 ft. lbs. of energy which is very close to the energy from many .44 mag loads. Granted, there's more powerful .44 loads than that, by quite a bit, but if you look at the energy numbers for quite a few commercially available .44 mag loads, the 10mm loaded hot (37,500 psi max, more than some pistol cases--incidentally, the .44 mag max is 36,000 psi) is not far behind.

The first .44 mag ammo I clicked just looking around a bit show 741 ft. lbs. of energy: Magtech Sport Ammo 44 Remington Mag 240 Grain Semi-Jacketed Soft Point
But top end commerically available .44 ammo from Buffalo Bore shows a load doing over 1,500 ft. lbs. of energy, which is a heck of a wallop.

Then it's back to which can be shot faster with more accuracy--that 10mm is hard to beat in this sceneario with heavy recoil spring. If it is a wolfpack encounter, I've got more than 5 rounds (revolver with hammer down on empty chamber) immediately available too... Folks always bring up sem-auto reliability, but how many cops pack revolvers anymore...?
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I have been playing with the new bino harness from blacks creek. So far I'm really liking the design. It has a holster built into the front of it that keeps your pistol close and tucked away.
Alien Gear makes a leg holster that works with their new modular system... I forget what it's called. I got one since I don't like a chest option and obviously can't wear my normal hip mount holster with a backpack on. It puts your pistol in quick reach.
Another plug for the HPG kitbag. Takes a little practice to learn to draw from effectively, but still the most effective way I have found to carry in the hills.

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For my Ruger Alaskan I've been very satisfied with my Man Gear Alaska chest holster. It's fairly straightforward and simple, but light, flexible in arrangement, and reasonably priced. I know they make it in a semi-auto configuration.
Hey can you post pics of that?


Does the Razco have any positive retention like a strap or thumb drive or does it just rely on the kydex fit? Those look interesting and I already run the FHF harness.
I carried on belt, under bino rig, on shoulder strap- never cared for any of these for various reasons.
I started carrying my 10 in the mesh pocket on my AGC bino harness. Then I asked Pods8 if he could fab me up a real sleeve to do the same. It will attach to the back of the bino harness where the mesh pocket is, and way more durable. Easy access, doesn't create a lot of bulk below chest, or weight on belt or shoulder strap.

When he finishes it will post it up. It will be universal for my pistols from 357 revolver to my .44 and everything in between.

Every body has their desired set up, but for me, behind the bino harness works best. The mesh pocket just isn't the most durable holster material lol

so Pods8 is making a thin sleeve with tab loops and a bungie strap for quick release for this and it will be perfect without the bulk.
Does the Razco have any positive retention like a strap or thumb drive or does it just rely on the kydex fit? Those look interesting and I already run the FHF harness.

It is friction fit. But it is really secure. Takes a good effort on the draw.
Thanks Matt.
I have AKG so it also has those tabs below.
Do you find with the added weight of the gun the whole thing kind gets to heavy and off balance?
With the added length does the gun then hit you in the waist in weird location?

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Mllflood....do post those picks. That sounds like a great solution. So will you access gun from "top" of AKG or side?

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Yep, here's a thought and the way I went. For heavy brush hunting ditch the Weatherby and shotgun and get a Marlin 'Guide' type lever action. .45-70 or .444 Marlin (my personal favorite ). Open sights or a low powered scope. I'd still stick with the .357 as back-up (for me a 3" S&W m13 with my own heavy cast bullet load). I'd really check about carrying a semi while hunting. I don't so I haven't. Possible to bring unwanted attention from Pa. Game Warden. But if you can, go for it.
I’ve been using the Serpa with the Glock so far this year. Works good, but don’t like that the barrel is open to debris when I drop the pack?

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Thanks Matt.
I have AKG so it also has those tabs below.
Do you find with the added weight of the gun the whole thing kind gets to heavy and off balance?
With the added length does the gun then hit you in the waist in weird location?

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The gun adds some weight and bulk for sure.

One of the great qualities of the FHF is the straps don’t bounce and you can really tighten it to your chest. I run the straps tighter and adjust the harness to sit higher when I’m carrying the gun.
Thru the top but at a 45 angle
Left or right depending where bungee is attached

I hunted miles with my set up and it never feel out or wiggled around

My only grief was I lost my mesh pocket storage area for trioxane, lens pen and lighter

Everyone has what is most comfortable and they have to pursue that personally
Mllflood....do post those picks. That sounds like a great solution. So will you access gun from "top" of AKG or side?

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Like has been said, if you have a "normal" (as opposed to armed guard) carry license, you can carry while hunting in the open season. You can not carry any pistol in bow season, and you can only carry a muzzleloading pistol during muzzleloader season.
When using my 44 mag, I open carried it in a bandolier holster. I open carry my 22 pistol for plinking at squirrels during the open season (on private land). Now that I have an OWB holster for my m&p, I may bring that along for coyotes or a necessary kill shot.