Hammock for early season bow hunts at home


Apr 3, 2014
Sullivan, MO.
This isnt particular to out west hunting. But wanted to get some opinions.
This coming season I plan to hunt some of the wilderness areas we have here at home for deer. Now these aren't huge compared to out west, Around 10,000 acres of ground at best.
But they are remote wilderness for here. So with this season coming up this year I plan to hike in and camp and hunt from there.
My question is i am trying to figure out a decent sleep system for these.
Right now I have a Eno hammock that I have had for some time but never used. Think I actually have 2.
Now our temps in the early season for archery can get warm (up in the 90s even) still as our season starts Sept 15th here in Missouri.
With that said for some that have used a Hammock in weather like this do you normally still use a sleeping pad of some kind in the hammock? I have one of the fold up types closed cell foam pads that I use at home for exercises etc.
Or is something like a normal inflatable better?
Plan to get a tarp for it also to go over the top just for the morning dew etc.
Just thought I would ask some here on this as I am still trying to decide if I want to go this route. Or just suck it up and get a free standing type tent.
Dont know if I want to go floorless just due to the crawler/slithering type creatures we have at home.
Wife and I run hammocks for our archery elk hunting. Great system.
We have used both inflatable and the closed cell pads. The pads like to move out from under us to much for our liking. I recommend using an under quilt. You can get them in various degree ratings to accommodate your needs. They pack down small and are the best option we have found.
Happy Hanging!!