H4350 vs Other Powders for LRX 95 243


Sep 8, 2020
Hey Guys, I am starting to venture into reloading and have a question. How do you know what your charge should be for your particular powder if they don't have it listed for their load data.

Looking at Barnes load data for their different bullets I see a range of different powders they suggest. For the 95 G LRX. They don't list 4350, but do list several other powders.

Looking at their chart for their 105 G match burner I see both the RL 17 and H4350 with similar powder minimums and maximums for the 105.

My question is this, if the 95 shows RL 17, but no 4350, if the RL 17 is similar minimums and maximums (within .2 g) on the 105, can I assume the charge for the 4350, would be similar to that listed for the RL 17 for the 95?

Having a hard time finding any load data for H4350 and the LRX 95, also have access to IMR 4895,3031 and 4198 if those would be any better.

Thanks in advance for any help.
“can I assume the charge for the 4350, would be similar to that listed for the RL 17 for the 95”

Not based on that alone. I don’t think I would really use another powder as reference, it’s too much work. Take a look at Hodgdon’s site and/or manual and you will get more data points to help guide you. The manual has H4350 for lighter and heavier bullets so you can get an idea of where starting should be and work up from there.
Also, you can always email Barnes customer support and ask them. I had gotten some of their new 35 rem hollow-point bullets that they didn’t have load data for and they said to just use starting load for a JSP of the same weight.