H4350 eqvailent in vihtavuor powder

I’m curious are you guys seating your bullets close to the lands when you are having pressure issues after 100 rounds? 39 gr of h4350 seems low to be having pressure issues. I just built a 6 creed and will be starting some load dev here. Hoping n555 will give me what I want out of an 18” barrel. Thanks

It started life with 105 hybrids at .040 off jam. I didn’t have any major issues till the rifle hit 900 rounds and would just pressure up over the course of match. The rifle had a.150 freebore, so slightly shorter than saami, but it only got fed 105 hybrids, the reason for going with the slightly shorter fb.

The barrel was a hammer though. I swapped to h4831sc for the last few matches of the year and had no issues running similar velocity.

This was only one barrel. My other had zero issues with h4350. That said if I were buying a new 6 creed barrel today I would go with a little slower powder. I had no issues with the case being too full at realistic velocities.
I’ve burned through close to 20lbs of n555 and tried it in 22, 6, 25, and 6.5 creedmoor cases. Groups are equal or smaller for n555, velocity anywhere from 50-100fps for the same “pressure signs”. It’s a great powder and I prefer it over h4350.
How has temp stability been for you? Always looking for h4350 alternatives.

Ever shoot any n150/160? I’m starting to try and shoot more VV powder just because it’s cheaper
How has temp stability been for you? Always looking for h4350 alternatives.

Ever shoot any n150/160? I’m starting to try and shoot more VV powder just because it’s cheaper
I have not had any issues but also do not test it extensively. Most of my loads got worked up in summer and shot from 80-100F. And no issues hitting/killing down to 20F on hunts in the fall. Impacts have been where they should be in a variety of temps but I have not actually measured velocity.

Never tried n150/160. Just n555 (my favorite), n565 (no gain over h1000 for me, also do not have any magnums anymore), and a little bit of n570 (smoking velocity with heavies in fast twist 25-06).
Are you guys using srp or Lrp brass?
Both but mostly LRP.
I’m curious are you guys seating your bullets close to the lands when you are having pressure issues after 100 rounds? 39 gr of h4350 seems low to be having pressure issues. I just built a 6 creed and will be starting some load dev here. Hoping n555 will give me what I want out of an 18” barrel. Thanks
I typically set about 50 thou off the lands and let it be unless it doesn’t shoot there. I don’t know what the issue with my gun was but factory and moderate handloads used to just get sticky as it approached 100 rds since prior cleaning. Seemed to get better as it hasn’t done similar in a few hundred rounds.
They are. 555 is pretty temp stable and actually slightly cooler burning than h4350 so it doesn’t have the same attributes frequently come with double based powders (Temp sensitive and hot burning).

Might take a little more spark to ignite and be "dirtier" if one believes the internet but I cant confirm.

I was thinking the N555 was hotter burning than H4350. That’s good to know.
It started life with 105 hybrids at .040 off jam. I didn’t have any major issues till the rifle hit 900 rounds and would just pressure up over the course of match. The rifle had a.150 freebore, so slightly shorter than saami, but it only got fed 105 hybrids, the reason for going with the slightly shorter fb.

The barrel was a hammer though. I swapped to h4831sc for the last few matches of the year and had no issues running similar velocity.

This was only one barrel. My other had zero issues with h4350. That said if I were buying a new 6 creed barrel today I would go with a little slower powder. I had no issues with the case being too full at realistic velocities.
In their single base powders, N150 is shown as a little faster than H4350 and 160 a bit slower. I’ve been using N150 quite a bit in my .308 and in that application it has shown to be nearly a grain for grain substitute for Varget. I will continue to use it anywhere Varget is appropriate. For my .22GTs and 6.5 Creedmoors, I plan on trying N160 next. It seems to fall between H4350 and H4831 burn rates so should be a good fit in both of those applications.
