Gunwerks 6IX+ Titanium Suppressor

I don’t personally own any other 30 cal cans for comparison, but I have had my Gunwerks 6ix+ Ti for over a month now. It does what I want from a precision rifle suppressor: reduces muzzle report to a hearing safe level with my .308 Win and 6.5 CM rifles, repeatable precision mounting system for use on multiple rifles, and very lightweight.

I also shoot a Barrett AM30 suppressor on a 17” barreled .308 for thousands of rounds. That’s an 8” long 1.5” diameter suppressor. Now, I haven’t done a direct side-by-side, but shooting them during separate range trips they both just sound like a suppressor to me. I tend to agree with Aaron Davidson’s stance in the aforementioned podcast that making a buying decision based on minute decibel differences between suppressors is a bit fruitless. I’m still wearing earpro for range sessions, I’m always shooting supersonic cartridges, I don’t care too much if Can A beats Can B by 4 dB so long as A & B both protect my hearing satisfactorily for a couple hunting shots without earpro.

I looked hard at TBAC Dominus CB as well, but the price was a little better on the Gunwerks especially when factoring in multiple mounts for additional rifles. At the time of purchase I didn’t really know about Diligent Defense, and I am definitely interested in an Enticer-S Ti when I shop for another suppressor. Or an AB Raptor 8.
What's the verdict on the gunwerks can? Did it compare favorably with the competitors?
I put a lot of rounds through this can. It compares well to the Dominus, but it is much lighter. I will continue to use it.

But it looks like they added a baffle to it since I got mine, going from 5 to 6, if the pics on their website are accurate.
I have a steel 6ix and titanium 6ix+. Both are great cans for that length. I don't notice much difference in sound between the two so if i was doing it over again i would probably go for the titanium 6IX since it's smaller than the titanium 6IX+. I have a couple cans that are 7-8" and they are definitely more quiet but that's to be expected.

@Ryan Avery According to the pictures, the steel 6IX+ has one more baffle than the titanium version. My titanium also has 5 baffles.
Mine was pretty good at first, not my quietest can, but good for the weight.

Stamp approved in August and shot an elk this year with it. But then the sidewall blew out. Sent it back, and they were quick and helpful about that. Then I saw the recall notice they sent out the following week after they received mine back. Waiting on the replacement now.

Mine was pretty good at first, not my quietest can, but good for the weight.

Stamp approved in August and shot an elk this year with it. But then the sidewall blew out. Sent it back, and they were quick and helpful about that. Then I saw the recall notice they sent out the following week after they received mine back. Waiting on the replacement now.

No way! I never saw a recall notice and I don’t see anything posted on their site…but I do see that Ti suppressors are no longer advertised. I will have to call them to inquire if I have an affected can I guess.
Awaiting a call back from CS, but the Gunwerks sales rep confirmed that my 6ix+ Ti that shipped February 2023 is part of the recall. Dang
just a few weeks ago

‘Unintended disassembly’ is the most diplomatic way to put it I guess...

No way! I never saw a recall notice and I don’t see anything posted on their site…but I do see that Ti suppressors are no longer advertised. I will have to call them to inquire if I have an affected can I guess.

didn't realize they aren't on the site, certainly gives some cause for concern, as I wanted this one for the weight, I have other heavier suppressors, I don't want a heavier one. I hope they get the titanium stuff fixed up.

I don't mind paying for a quality product, but between this and the bipods, it makes you wonder. I also have a magnus component stock, took forever to get, and frankly it feels hollow and somewhat cheap. Apparently they had a supply issue and stopped using the foam fill in their stocks.
just a few weeks ago

‘Unintended disassembly’ is the most diplomatic way to put it I guess...

Ha! I think I first saw the term "rapid unscheduled disassembly" in The Right Stuff by Tom Wolfe, referring to aircraft and rockets exploding. See also: Spontaneous Rapid Disassembly.
They sent an update on the suppressor recall last week. Guess that means they got approval on their repair process and they will repair with the same serial number.

The email says the repair can be done in a few weeks. We shall see, but surely I've got to be at the top of the list since I sent mine in before the actual recall.
They sent an update on the suppressor recall last week. Guess that means they got approval on their repair process and they will repair with the same serial number.

The email says the repair can be done in a few weeks. We shall see, but surely I've got to be at the top of the list since I sent mine in before the actual recall.
Thanks for the update. Apparently I’m not on their comms list. Glad to hear we should be getting suppressors back soon
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Thanks for the update. Apparently I’m not on their comms list. Glad to hear we should be getting suppressors back soon
They currently have mine for repair. Sounds like it's two weeks out. They're making good on the issue as quick as possible. But if you haven't received communication from them, you should call and make sure to get on the list. Ask them what needs to be done. The status of your Form 4 will no doubt determine what's needed, but in some cases you need to upload a copy of your ATF paperwork. Better just to call and make sure you're in line.
Still waiting on mine. Called about 2-3 weeks ago and was told the “repair” was done on mine and it was headed to refinishing. Haven’t heard about return shipping yet though.
That press release said they discovered the issues in October. Sure wish they made that public before my suppressor blew to pieces on November 6. They've had mine since then, and issues the recall a week after receiving mine.

The recent podcast also said they are turning them around in a week. Haven't heard of a single person getting one back yet. The bipod fiasco is certainly sugar coated on the podcast as well.

They sure love to talk about how good their customer service is, but seems to be that's all it is and par for the course for them lately. Ordered a stock last year, 4 months past estimate, and then told the don't have a program to do a Defiance inlet with Hawkins bottom metal - clearly not an uncommon set up. Ultimately they were able to do it, but they couldn't put any fill in the stock and fitting the action and bottom metal took a hell of a lot of work.
Mine was pretty good at first, not my quietest can, but good for the weight.

Stamp approved in August and shot an elk this year with it. But then the sidewall blew out. Sent it back, and they were quick and helpful about that. Then I saw the recall notice they sent out the following week after they received mine back. Waiting on the replacement now.


What was the cartridge, and how many rounds?

I had around 500 rounds on mine from a few 6.5 PRCs; it didn't blow up. They have had mine for about six weeks. It's a good little suppressor. I hope to get it back soon.
What was the cartridge, and how many rounds?

I had around 500 rounds on mine from a few 6.5 PRCs; it didn't blow up. They have had mine for about six weeks. It's a good little suppressor. I hope to get it back soon.

7prc 188 rds

I thought it was a great little can too. I'll still use it, but I'll make you a good deal if you want another one...
I don't mind paying for a quality product, but between this and the bipods, it makes you wonder. I also have a magnus component stock, took forever to get, and frankly it feels hollow and somewhat cheap.
Add the $5k+ nexus with safety function issues to the list.