Guns vs. Public Land - Which means more to you?


Sep 11, 2015
South Dakota
Yup you're right , I've had my fill of protests for awhile. Unfortunately they arw hitting too close to home and has reflected negatively on my attitude towards rioters.

.Here is a fun fact for you though , approx 700 people have been arrested down there so far, and 94% of them have been from states such as CA, CO, NM etc. Paid protesters and snowflakes from all over the country. Not locals. Once the pipe gets finished up it will all be a distant crappy memory.

last year at this time how many of those shit birds do you think even knew where CB was? It is getting old seeing those clowns come through town.
Jul 30, 2013
That's the problem though.......they're making changes to the 2nd Amendment already with unConstitutional laws without actually making any changes to the Amendment. This is how the government operates......they overstep their bounds and then just hope that the SCOTUS doesn't overturn them. That's why the liberals absolutely hate Constitutionalists on the Court, because they will absolutely strike those laws down, whereas the activist liberal judges with an agenda will most likely agree with the government and allow these unConstitutional infringements. And this isn't just a 2nd Amendment's a Constitutional and BOR issue.......for all of it. Yet people never notice the little infringements and the taking away of rights directly under their noses.......until it affects them directly. THEN they get all up in arms.

Constitutionalists still interpret the constitution by how they read it.

Trumps appointment to the court is a pretty good choice, but i don't see gun regulations being struck down left and right.

I hope he is up to the task of telling the man that appointed him that he is out of bounds. Trumps made no bones about not caring about the 1st, 4th, 5th , 8th, 10th and the 14th already.

But as long as the second goes untouched I am sure people will be cool with it. like you said, no one cares until it affects them.
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Feb 27, 2012
Colorado Springs
Yes so. Abolishing the 2nd is no where near as real of a threat as the simple sale of public lands and that's a fact. Added restrictions on certain guns is not taking guns away.

As I already stated......they don't need to "abolish" it to get their way, or get gun control legislated. But to say it isn't as great a threat is ignorant at best as we've already experienced it. So it's already a threat with ramifications for all. And you're correct, adding restrictions on certain guns isn't taking guns away (at least directly), but it is taking away our rights.....which is what I stated.