They are going to get broadheads from me this year. Its too frustrating to have one fly off after being hit with a judo.
I have some of the saunders judo tips, got a couple grouse from treestand last whitetail season in Michigan with them(black ones pictured below). I have killed a lot of grackels off of my bird feeder with them as well. A lot of people like the G5's(pictured below in the package)
Must not have hit him very well. I normally use Judo's, but sometimes a used BH if I didn't bring a Judo. The Judo's put a bigger hole through them than the BH's.
It was more than one that I've seen fly off after a hit with a blunt.
Washer....huh....sounds like something this o'l boy might like to try. What size of washer?
Anyone ever use a sling shit with 40cal lead ball to the head/neck?
No-I've never slung shit at a grouse . I have used a sling shot on Sea Lions but unfortunately it doesn't kill them, just teaches them to watch the bait rather then for the net.