Grizzly kills 37 yo woman and her 10 month old child in the Yukon...

Wow. That's a tough one. They all are, but when little ones are part of it, it is all the harder.

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The camp I guide out of is about 20 miles to the south and I also have many friends up in the Yukon. It was hard to read and I can't imagine what Gjermund is going through. My thoughts are with him.
Man, my heart truly goes out to this gentleman. I couldn’t imagine coming back to the cabin to find my wife and infant child mauled and killed by a bear. It is simply unfathomable, I have no other words.

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Difficult to read as a father with young kids. My thoughts and prayers are with him.

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Before I say more, I'm truly horrified at how these deaths occurred. The pain and suffering of those taken and those left to cope is completely unimaginable. I can offer nothing more than sympathy.

Shockey's words ring very true with me. My own experiences (and several friends as well) put me the backcountry of central Alaska every fall. It's an area where no grizzlies are ever hunted or killed, mainly because of 1) access to the area and 2) the difficulty of getting one out. The locals aren't going in there after bears. Guides don't operate in there. Nonresidents can't kill a grizzly unless they have a licensed guide at their side. Hence the bears are left to multiply and do as they please. Over the last 10 years we've noticed a definite increase in bear encounters, and some of them involve grizzlies brazenly walking into or near our camps....hitting meat caches...taking over carcasses....stealing capes. We've got plenty of pictures to prove the point. Some of the bears are old and enormous with weights well above 600 pounds. Just this past September I encountered 4 grizzlies on the first day of my moose hunt. The bear numbers are growing unchecked. The state would like to increase the harvest but nonresidents can't help the situation. Combine that with a DLP reg which basically means you'd better be fearing for your life before you pull a trigger, and you've got the simple recipe for bear-mauls-human.

A few years ago I pulled off a successful solo moose hunt and had no bear issues. For 2019 I'm considering another solo hunt, but the numbers of bears in there is very concerning to me. I'm a longbow guy who only carries a sidearm (no long gun) for defense. I'm starting to think a Mac-10 ought to be legal carry for bear defense. Think about having 3 grizzlies run up on you and chaos ensues. Spray can? Six-shooter? It's very sobering to read the stories of bears going fully predatorial on humans and we have to get beat up before we can return fire. My prediction is it's only going to get worse where bears are numerous and too-well protected. There has to be a reasonable compromise which allows the killing of grizzlies in order to assure population control, OR reasonable defense from potential attack. I could very well be the next fatality you read's not an idle statement.
News of this attack popped up on trapperman about two days ago. Its hard to imagine/wrap your head around dealing with it.

It certainly seems like a banner year for griz attacks - especially for those that appear to be predatory. Earlier this year or last, there was a discussion, again, I think it was on trapperman, regarding spray, vs gun, vs what gun, etc. - the usual. But one interesting point that was raised by several people that trap in griz areas and who were strong proponents of guns vs spray was in their perception of the 'statistics' of the effectiveness of bear spray vs gun.

We often hear that spray is more effective, blah, blah. And several of those who responded felt like the stats were twisted, in that the effectiveness of a gun was under-reported, for exactly the reason that Kevin cited - the fiasco of dealing with killing an attacking bear. They felt that they or those they knew that would need to kill (or just shoot) a bear in defense, were far more likely to not report it to avoid dealing with the subsequent investigation than someone that had deployed spray. I.e., "what happens in the woods stays in the woods". I'm not advocating this, just stating the arguement.

I suspect the trend will continue if the attacks continue, and if the current legal climate continues...
It's been a tough week up here for a lot of people, especially in the trap and teacher circles. and totally unimaginable what poor Gjermund is going through.

Shockey's post is a bit of an odd rant but I agree with him on the asinine behaviour of some people who are basically gleeful that they were killed... calling it "karma" and "justice" ... f*&king asshats.

As for guns vs spray: I trap in grizzly country and there is no spray in my kit. There is either a 375 or a 45-70. In the past there has been bear issues on the line I'm on as late as the middle of December and even last week I had a cubby ripped up and a 330 conibear mangled. So for those who might be doing any late season hunts, keep your guard up. Just because it's winter doesn't mean the g-bears are asleep.

Shoot, shovel, shut-up......honestly.....I hate tragedies like this. These animals are 'wild' and need to be treated as such...…
Prayers for the family......tragic.
I tend to shake off all of the nonsense that appears on the internet, but for some reason, the comments made by these scumbags with regard to people killed by bears makes me want to hit them with a rock for a while.

My sympathies go to the family.
I cannot imagine being in that situation. If this continues, the new norm may be for locals to shoot them on site and leave them lay. Most of these areas are extremely remote and nothing would ever happen unless it is self-reported. Hunting guides probably wouldn’t risk their licenses and livelihood, but many others would.