Simply based upon the fact that he used the term 'lesser 48' I am going to guess he lives in AK and styles himself a bear expert because of that. Then he is gonna mention that even in AK where they are hunted they are ornery so that won't solve anything. Timothy Treadwell etc.
Hunting grizzlies won't make the remaining ones have a different attitude. It COULD lower their population making encounters more rare. I don't think the uptick in bear attacks the past few years and increase in bear populations are unrelated. Before I became an Idaho resident I used to hunt close to where this guy was mauled and between the three of us would see multiple different bears a week. We didn't keep records but I think we saw on average, at least 3 unique bears per week in the small valley we hunted, some years probably more. Maybe in this instance where there were at least two bears on a dead deer the big bear wouldn't have been so on edge if he hadn't just scared off the smaller Grizz?
I have a draw hunt in WY starting Oct 1 and gonna take all the precautions I can. Bringing along my brother so I won't be solo down there, especially if I get an elk down.