Grizzly Encounter / Shots Fired near Big Sky

Hid daughter is reporting he is in bad shape, but her and Dr. are hopeful. He has a lot of injuries, not the least of which is, he lost his lower jaw. Crap....
Damn… nightmare material. Wish him all the best. That recovery process is going to be brutal.
Care to elaborate?
Simply based upon the fact that he used the term 'lesser 48' I am going to guess he lives in AK and styles himself a bear expert because of that. Then he is gonna mention that even in AK where they are hunted they are ornery so that won't solve anything. Timothy Treadwell etc.

Hunting grizzlies won't make the remaining ones have a different attitude. It COULD lower their population making encounters more rare. I don't think the uptick in bear attacks the past few years and increase in bear populations are unrelated. Before I became an Idaho resident I used to hunt close to where this guy was mauled and between the three of us would see multiple different bears a week. We didn't keep records but I think we saw on average, at least 3 unique bears per week in the small valley we hunted, some years probably more. Maybe in this instance where there were at least two bears on a dead deer the big bear wouldn't have been so on edge if he hadn't just scared off the smaller Grizz?

I have a draw hunt in WY starting Oct 1 and gonna take all the precautions I can. Bringing along my brother so I won't be solo down there, especially if I get an elk down.
Had a buddy on the SARS call. I won’t go into detail, but the Individual suffered horrific trauma. It’s going be a long recovery.

A friend recently sent me this video that was apparently taken in Big Sky. Imagine running into 7 grizzlies..

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Simply based upon the fact that he used the term 'lesser 48' I am going to guess he lives in AK and styles himself a bear expert because of that. Then he is gonna mention that even in AK where they are hunted they are ornery so that won't solve anything. Timothy Treadwell etc.

Hunting grizzlies won't make the remaining ones have a different attitude. It COULD lower their population making encounters more rare. I don't think the uptick in bear attacks the past few years and increase in bear populations are unrelated. Before I became an Idaho resident I used to hunt close to where this guy was mauled and between the three of us would see multiple different bears a week. We didn't keep records but I think we saw on average, at least 3 unique bears per week in the small valley we hunted, some years probably more. Maybe in this instance where there were at least two bears on a dead deer the big bear wouldn't have been so on edge if he hadn't just scared off the smaller Grizz?

I have a draw hunt in WY starting Oct 1 and gonna take all the precautions I can. Bringing along my brother so I won't be solo down there, especially if I get an elk down.

Living in AK definitely doesn’t make you a bear expert anymore than moving from CA to N. ID does. You guys already have a de facto bear season and it doesn’t seem to work. They kill bears regularly when they get in trouble. Killing 1-2 old boars isn’t gonna lower the population. I’m not against a season by any stretch. Just don’t think it’s gonna be all big tits and sunshine with one. You got more people than ever roaming around the woods. Just gonna have to accept the risk of being around them or stay home.
I’m not sure how you guys think killing off 1-2 old boars is gonna stop people from stumbling into a sow with cubs. Almost all these attacks are surprise encounters. The idea that having a hunting season is gonna put the fear of man in them is silly to me.
I have no personal experience of putting the fear of man in grizzlies. But I have personally done this for bull sharks and alligators here in Florida. Maybe it’s apples to oranges but…

Spearfishing on a wreck and the bull sharks start getting too aggressive, charging you, stealing your fish? Pick out the biggest one in the bunch and hit him with a power head. Every single shark avoids you like the plague from then on. Same goes for 12-13ft dinosaurs that tourists have been feeding and start getting way too aggressive.

Would it stop an attack from a momma Grizzly on a blind corner with you in between her and her cubs… probably not. But these animals are smart and need to learn that people are a real threat in the wild. Not just some passerby with yummy camp snacks.
I’m not sure how you guys think killing off 1-2 old boars is gonna stop people from stumbling into a sow with cubs. Almost all these attacks are surprise encounters. The idea that having a hunting season is gonna put the fear of man in them is silly to me.
The population is over objective. That's the entire point of bringing a hunting season back, specifically in the Greater Yellowstone and Northern Continental Divide Ecosystems.

No different than when wolves wildly overshot their recovery goal because it took years to navigate the bureaucratic shitshow to delist and hand management over to the states.

Fewer grizz on the landscape=fewer encounters. It ain't rocket science.
It would be cool to open it up in the lower 48 and even more cool to get a Grizzly tag an average guy could afford. Non resident tags in Alaska are for folks who can drop a years worth of average mortgage payments on one hunt and not blink an eye. Won’t be me unfortunately.
I have no personal experience of putting the fear of man in grizzlies. But I have personally done this for bull sharks and alligators here in Florida. Maybe it’s apples to oranges but…

Spearfishing on a wreck and the bull sharks start getting too aggressive, charging you, stealing your fish? Pick out the biggest one in the bunch and hit him with a power head. Every single shark avoids you like the plague from then on. Same goes for 12-13ft dinosaurs that tourists have been feeding and start getting way too aggressive.

Would it stop an attack from a momma Grizzly on a blind corner with you in between her and her cubs… probably not. But these animals are smart and need to learn that people are a real threat in the wild. Not just some passerby with yummy camp snacks.
It’s wild what some hunting pressure does to Alligators. In the okefenokee they are protected and will swim right up to a boat and Steal fish or block off canals and refuse to move- you get 10 minutes outside of the park and it’s only little guys and not even they will let you get too close.
I have zero personal experience with grizzlies. Fair amount with black bears. I don’t think I would shoot a grizzly with a paintball gun. Sounds like a good way to get a paint gun stuffed up your ass And pulled out your mouth.
The population is over objective. That's the entire point of bringing a hunting season back, specifically in the Greater Yellowstone and Northern Continental Divide Ecosystems.

No different than when wolves wildly overshot their recovery goal because it took years to navigate the bureaucratic shitshow to delist and hand management over to the states.

Fewer grizz on the landscape=fewer encounters. It ain't rocket science.

Good luck lowering the population with your 1 or 2 statewide tags. More than likely you guys won’t ever see a season anyway. But best of luck.
Came to Rokslide hoping there would be info more than what I could find in the news. Hope the hunters are ok. There was another Grizz killed in Tom Miner Basin a few days ago attacking some fishermen. Need a hunting season on these critters where they have high densities.
I saw 13 grizzlies in the Tom Miner Basin on September 1st. The angler was charged 2 days earlier.


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As a thought experiment: what do you think it would take for the state legislature, or Gianforte acting unilaterally, to sue or just disregard USFWS and ESA and start reducing griz population? A few more publicized attacks this month would start to sound like a “public health emergency” or something similar in my mind.

I hunt griz country, not the real dense areas but the edge, probably 20 days a year +/-. I’m starting to think there are spots elsewhere with the same prospects and less monsters; unfortunately I would imagine a lot of people’s mindset is trending in that direction.
Good luck lowering the population with your 1 or 2 statewide tags. More than likely you guys won’t ever see a season anyway. But best of luck.
Wolf tags started out pretty limited too. You can basically hunt them year round in Idaho now. So, yes, your right the one or two tags aren’t going to do much but they will increase tags as time goes on.