Grizzly bear attack in Montana


Sep 6, 2014
The bear was hunted down and killed any way, so what does it matter why the bear attacked or who pulled the trigger, SOP Kill the Bear that attacks people, period end of report

More data is always beneficial.


Jan 30, 2017
California, Inland Empire
The number of BC black bears destroyed has nearly doubled since last year

Jun 14 2019, 3:12 am

The number of BC black bears destroyed has nearly doubled since last year


That’s the number of black bears killed by BC’s Conservation Officer Service last month — nearly double the amount of animals destroyed the previous year with 54, according to the Ministry’s Human-Predator Conflicts Monthly Update.
This comes on the heels of conservation group the Fur-Bearers calling for changes in how black bear management is handled after “numerous reports” in May resulted in bears being euthanized by conservation officers in the Tri Cities — human activity being blamed.

Now the North Shore Black Bear Society is raising concern about the number of black bears being killed in the province — and calling for change following the COS’ decision to put down a sow and her two cubs after they entered a house through an open window and rummaged for food in Furry Creek on June 6th, because it was determined they were not candidates for rehabilitation or relocation due to the number of calls the ministry received about them already.
In a phone interview with Daily Hive Vancouver, North Shore Black Bear Society Executive Director Christine Miller said there’s a lot of “misunderstandings about black bears, and people who sort of promote fear that’s not accurate in the community,” explaining that the animals aren’t out there “looking for” people or pets — just accessible food.


Black bear family killed in Furry Creek/Photo courtesy North Shore Black Bear Society
“A lot of us live right next to the forest and so they sort of share the land with us and if we are not diligent with our household waste, and if we have bird feeders out or whatever, we’re inviting them close to people’s homes — but black bear attacks are extremely rare,” Miller said.
Miller said “around 80 per cent of what they [black bears] consume is plant material and it’s easily accessible in a household waste container so if that’s available to them, that’s easier than being out in the forest and having to find foliage and berries and, you know, plant material in the wild.”
As to why there’s been so many black bears destroyed this year, Miller said at this point there can only be speculation because there hasn’t been any extreme weather to impact food sources, or if there’s been more sightings — which would result in more calls from concerned residents who don’t know much about black bears, putting in an “emotional report” out of fear.
“I get calls myself, people that I talk to if they are frightened or anxious, you know, we’ll make house calls or we’ll send them information, we explain things to them, we’re actually able to educate on the phone or by email, which is a great service that a local group, like ours, can provide, whereas if they, you know, are calling into Victoria like the RAPP line [Report All Poachers and Polluters line] they’re speaking to a dispatcher who is servicing the whole province for every species and so they don’t have the time to you know educate when somebody makes a report,” Miller said.
by Taboola
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Black bear /Menno Schaefer (Shutterstock)
Now after the death of the black bear family in Furry Creek, Miller said there needs to be changes made in how cubs of the year are handled.
For example, Miller said if cubs follow their mom into a confined space, like a garage that may have garbage in it, “if they [the COS] follow the matrix for the family, the mother and the cubs, they all get killed and we think that it’s normal that the cubs would be going with their mothers, and because they are so young especially at this time of the year,” Miller explaining, “those bears could go to a rehab centre and, you know, learn to forage for food.”


Jan 30, 2017
California, Inland Empire
Seems just being a nuance is reason enough to put down a bear these days.
Good management would allow hunters to reduce the population to a sustainable number of bears
this is what happen when bleeding hearts stop or reduce hunting then the animals over populate trash the bleeding heats house and now OFF WITH THERE HEADS !
Science is the way, valid, verifiable, management systems


Jan 30, 2017
California, Inland Empire
Wildlife officials found the young black bear along a highway in Oregon, feasting on trail mix, sunflower seeds and cracked corn that appeared to have been deliberately left there for him. It was the latest in a string of worrying incidents indicating that the 100-pound male had become too comfortable with humans; law enforcement had previously been made aware that people were taking selfies with the bear. And so, state officials felt they had no choice but to kill the animal.

Glendon Mullins

Hillbilly Moderator
Staff member
Sep 7, 2014
Highland County Virginia
Having sprayed multiple cans practicing, I'd say 10 yards is the upper end of effective range.

That's so suprising for me to hear, having worked in corrections all my life, even the little MK4's we have on our side for daily carry will reach farther than that? I know for a fact mine would reach at least 13-14ft, cause I sprayed an inmate who was sitting on top a basketball goal


Jan 28, 2015
That's so suprising for me to hear, having worked in corrections all my life, even the little MK4's we have on our side for daily carry will reach farther than that? I know for a fact mine would reach at least 13-14ft, cause I sprayed an inmate who was sitting on top a basketball goal
10 yards = 30 ft 😶
Aug 4, 2019
North Carolina
Carrying a shotgun while hunting is not practical.
It's not reasonable to expect a good result if you don't practice in a real world simulation, whether it's for spray or pistol.
If you're only carrying spray, carry another canister in your pack. If the first canister deters the first charge you still have to walk out with a PO'd bear around. Just ask the guy that got mauled twice in the same day
Oct 12, 2013
How do you tell a man eating grizzly from their droppings ?
The strong odor of Pepper !
I believe one of the super loud aerosol can horns would work better than Pepper spray.
a hand gun only good for the Bang unless it is of large enough caliber to anchor the bear at 15 / 20 yards.
What I do know is I never go into the forest, woods, desert, swap lake or ocean without protection
so there i was at the bait station with a bunch of bears bearing down on us,i used the can boat horn, they got used to that real fast,if it would not have been so tragic,it wouldhave been funny(course its funny now) squeezing that horn until it ran out of air and was just wheezing.....
glad i had the shotty!


Jul 18, 2020
I will be heading into grizz country in September to elk hunt. That's a quick reminder of how fast it can happen!! Glad he is ok!


May 31, 2017

I know what bird shot at close range does to a person. Horrendous looking wound without enough depth to reach vitals. Literally just a flesh wound.

That's not buckshot. I shot the back of the cab of an old pickup truck with 000 buck. They all passed through the truck and mangled the engine compartment. I was impressed.


Jan 26, 2018
People think they are WAYYYY better than they actually are with pistols, especially large caliber ones. I have a buddy that carries a .460 S&W for bear pro...he might as well carry a rock with how much he practices

The thing a 460 has goin for it is the report alone should be enough to deter any grizzly bear or T Rex one might encounter. When your ear drums burst, you suddenly forget what made you so mad just a few seconds earlier


Classified Approved
May 16, 2020
That's not buckshot. I shot the back of the cab of an old pickup truck with 000 buck. They all passed through the truck and mangled the engine compartment. I was impressed.

The principal is the same, a bunch of rounds that would be considered inadequate alone. Buckshot is for thin skinned, medium bodied game like deer. A 22 will pass through a vehicle if it does not strike structural components. A slow moving, soft lead, 68 gr 9 mm would be considered suicidal to take for bear defense as it lacks the penetration to reach vitals consistently. Throwing more of them will not change that. Can it work for you? Yes, but 22 LR has taken browns as well. How reliably it will work is a different story.


Jul 7, 2015
The principal is the same, a bunch of rounds that would be considered inadequate alone. Buckshot is for thin skinned, medium bodied game like deer. A 22 will pass through a vehicle if it does not strike structural components. A slow moving, soft lead, 68 gr 9 mm would be considered suicidal to take for bear defense as it lacks the penetration to reach vitals consistently. Throwing more of them will not change that. Can it work for you? Yes, but 22 LR has taken browns as well. How reliably it will work is a different story.

I agree with the thoughts on the inadequacy of buckshot. Hard cast slug is the way to go.
I definitely don’t agree with the 22lr. Maybe if you put it behind the ear while the bear was sleeping but I wouldn’t take that bet.


May 31, 2017
The principal is the same, a bunch of rounds that would be considered inadequate alone. Buckshot is for thin skinned, medium bodied game like deer. A 22 will pass through a vehicle if it does not strike structural components. A slow moving, soft lead, 68 gr 9 mm would be considered suicidal to take for bear defense as it lacks the penetration to reach vitals consistently. Throwing more of them will not change that. Can it work for you? Yes, but 22 LR has taken browns as well. How reliably it will work is a different story.

I wasn't arguing for buckshot as a brown bear defense load. I was simply pointing out that buckshot behaves very differently than birdshot. The whole "shotguns are for birds" argument that is so popular online these days. A shotgun is a powerful, diverse weapon.


Jun 5, 2013
Carrying a shotgun while hunting is not practical.
It's not reasonable to expect a good result if you don't practice in a real world simulation, whether it's for spray or pistol.
If you're only carrying spray, carry another canister in your pack. If the first canister deters the first charge you still have to walk out with a PO'd bear around. Just ask the guy that got mauled twice in the same day
And if memory serves me right, he had both pistol and spray. I don't believe he had time to deploy either on both attacks before being hit by the grizz.


Classified Approved
May 16, 2020
I wasn't arguing for buckshot as a brown bear defense load. I was simply pointing out that buckshot behaves very differently than birdshot. The whole "shotguns are for birds" argument that is so popular online these days. A shotgun is a powerful, diverse weapon.

Very fair, I misunderstood you. I also agree with you. Birdshot is for birds, but shotguns can take anything that walks in North America if someone selects the correct load for the task. Sorry for the misunderstanding.


May 31, 2017
Very fair, I misunderstood you. I also agree with you. Birdshot is for birds, but shotguns can take anything that walks in North America if someone selects the correct load for the task. Sorry for the misunderstanding.

No worries. Just a friendly conversation.

Not a gun for dangerous game but I really like my shotgun. Thought about buying a rifled barrel and removing the recoil pad to reduce LOP. It has the mercury recoil reducer in the stock and I can really go through rounds with it. Used it for snow geese and have shot a pile of 3.5" shells with it.

Would be interesting to have it set up for dangerous game. Bought a Winchester 37 for turkey this year so won't need it for that anymore.



Jul 7, 2015
I don't know if anybody has read books about the early frontier (nor do I know how much truth is contained in any of them) but it sure seems like people made a daily habit of evading bears by running or climbing trees.

Undaunted Courage, which is supposedly pieced together from the journals of Lewis and Clark and some of the others in their expedition, has numerous accounts of people running from grizzlies like you or I would talk of running from ground hornets. I seem to recall one fellow making a run into a bunch of cottonwoods that were too thick for the bear to give good chase.

Seems cute until you see a grizzly out hunting. I don't see how anybody survives an encounter that turns physical without some firepower.


Oct 2, 2014
A TSS buckshot load would be interesting! It is an 18 gram per cubic Centimetre tungsten based shot, it is perfectly round and hard as heck, heavier than lead and throws remarkable patterns.

It is primarily used in tiny shot size for turkey but I know there are some guys loading larger shot for coyote. Not sure the max shot size one could get but it would be interesting to say the least.

Could use a smaller size than 000 so there would be more pellets, penetration would be greater with the smaller harder round shot, and more energy.