Grizzly 399 Vigil


Jan 16, 2024
CDA Idaho
Boy are we a spoiled society. Being to do a vigil for a damn apox predator is beyond amazing. But than again, they'll vote democratic, so I guess they have full brain rot.


Nov 2, 2013
If that had happened up here, the person who hit the bear probably would have punched their grizzly tag.... different world north of sixty. :D
Feb 19, 2023
Who went?? Come on...fess up. OMG I could hardly get through the article before vomiting. Or am I just a cranky, insensitive, old prick?

What steaming pile of hot garbage. More heart string tugging anti biology BS from a bunch of people so out of touch with reality and the situation. The best thing they could do is leave the bears alone and stop developing their habitat for their self serving playground. The sheer lunacy of that whole thing is baffling to me.


Oct 1, 2022
Meridian, ID
I have a dog. If he died, I'd be sad.
My boss has alpacas. Everyday for the last 2 year, my dog and I have passed by them while we do routine facility checks. If one of them died, I'd be sad.
There's a goose that nests in a tree behind the pond next to my office. Last year her nest failed, her mate left her, and she eventually abandoned the 7 eggs. It was sad.
I don't really know much about this grizzly bear 399, but I'd bet there are some people who have kept tabs on it, followed its movements, watched for sightings, awaited for it's emergence from it's den, waited to see how big it would get in the fall, etc. for a long time, maybe even years, and suddenly it gets hit by a car. Sounds kinda sad to me.
I wouldn't go so far as to say it merits a vigil, cremation, and scattering of ashes, but it makes sense that the people who cared about it would be sad. It's more weird to me that a bunch of grown men who didn't care, upon learning about this bear dying, now suddenly care so much about how others feel about 399 that they're whining about it on the internet.


Feb 23, 2019
I have a dog. If he died, I'd be sad.
My boss has alpacas. Everyday for the last 2 year, my dog and I have passed by them while we do routine facility checks. If one of them died, I'd be sad.
There's a goose that nests in a tree behind the pond next to my office. Last year her nest failed, her mate left her, and she eventually abandoned the 7 eggs. It was sad.
I don't really know much about this grizzly bear 399, but I'd bet there are some people who have kept tabs on it, followed its movements, watched for sightings, awaited for it's emergence from it's den, waited to see how big it would get in the fall, etc. for a long time, maybe even years, and suddenly it gets hit by a car. Sounds kinda sad to me.
I wouldn't go so far as to say it merits a vigil, cremation, and scattering of ashes, but it makes sense that the people who cared about it would be sad. It's more weird to me that a bunch of grown men who didn't care, upon learning about this bear dying, now suddenly care so much about how others feel about 399 that they're whining about it on the internet.
Exactly, god forbid others place value in something you don’t. Different beliefs? You are a disease, apparently. I don’t give a shit about this bear dying, but I respect that some folks might and let them have their moment. Watching grown-ass men get wound around the axle on puddly shit and somehow make everything political when it has no bearing on their lives, whatsoever, is extremely tiresome.

Christ on a bike, folks! We gotta chill out with the rhetoric all the time. I don’t share the same beliefs as you guys on every issue. Do I think you are scum for those beliefs? No. Should you disparage folks for valuing a bears life, no. What happened to just living and letting live?


Oct 1, 2022
Meridian, ID
We gotta chill out with the rhetoric all the time.

It's ok ID2NM, I'm over it now. These guys can go back to 'making america great' by calling people "out of touch", "ridiculous", "insane", "gay", "retarded", "a steaming pile of hot garbage", and "mentally ill".
Last edited:
Mar 27, 2019
Lyon County, NV
Exactly, god forbid others place value in something you don’t. Different beliefs? You are a disease, apparently. I don’t give a shit about this bear dying, but I respect that some folks might and let them have their moment. Watching grown-ass men get wound around the axle on puddly shit and somehow make everything political when it has no bearing on their lives, whatsoever, is extremely tiresome.

Christ on a bike, folks! We gotta chill out with the rhetoric all the time. I don’t share the same beliefs as you guys on every issue. Do I think you are scum for those beliefs? No. Should you disparage folks for valuing a bears life, no. What happened to just living and letting live?

In this context, ID2NM, I disagree - for very specific reasons.

It's not that any of us are "disparaging folks for valuing a bear's life" - that makes it sound fairly innocent and innocuous.

What we are doing, rather, is saying that it is reprehensible for people to anthropomorphize a wild apex predator to the point of it impacting their lives this way.

This distorted view of reality leads to the natural outgrowth of these same people devaluing human life in favor of bear, wolf, and cougar lives being more protected.

That same mentality is what leads to banning hunting.


Sep 11, 2015
South Dakota
Loosing to many of the homies lately the squirrel and racoon got pinched by the feds a drunk driver hits the bear. Im thinking some kind of memorial statues.


Feb 23, 2019
If you believe it's rational for a person to fly across the country to attend a candle light vigil for a road killed wild animal, I would simply disagree.

I believe it is completely irrational and borderline insane.
What you believe is irrational is subjective. The same could be said of any of us traveling across country to hunt a deer that we could hunt in our backyard. My point is everyone is entitled to their beliefs and values. The idea that these people are pieces of shit or crazy because they have different ones than you is so pervasive right now that it scares me.

I’m not saying it’s rational to do this either! But if I accused you of being insane for attending an event, whatever it is, that meant something to you on a deep personal level, you’d be pissed off and rightfully so. Why can’t we let people value things, see it from their point of view, and stop this decisive rhetoric. What happened to the middle ground, empathy, and just common decency toward others?

Folks are always going to value animals, but the fact that they value them in a different way than us is not grounds to hate them. Just like any other issue in this country, we don’t need to hate everyone that’s different. It gets us nowhere and just makes you a miserable person.
Oct 20, 2023
Penn St U
The idea that these people are pieces of shit or crazy because they have different ones than you is so pervasive right now that it scares me.
Your words not mine.

These same people doing irrational things for a road killed wild animal are the same people funding anti hunting groups and supporting the quagmire involved in removing lower 48 Grizzlies from the ESA.

That is why I do not support their bizarre, abnormal, behavior. They can do it, nobody is attempting to outlaw their behavior, but i do not have to support it.
Mar 27, 2017
North Carolina
The world would be better and the movement more effective if more environmentalists were Steve Irwin types and less crying on Facebook and doing poems because a tree fell down

passion is not a bad thing, when used usefully


Feb 9, 2024
When I was little my neighbor somehow managed to come in possession of a fawn (no idea how) and I used to bottle feed it. It would lick you like a puppy does. One day a coyote got in the cage and we'll you can guess the rest of the story.

I was sad, and I would/will/was when any animal I care about dies, but this is a little overboard.