Great Olympics so far

For those saying the games have been too politicized and that the athletes with a negative attitude toward the flag get all the media attention I completely agree. I think a minority in this country have made all the noise lately and it is very aggravating. I also think to not watch because of these few is also in its own right wrong though.

The majority of athletes competing are proud to represent the flag and have worked the entirety of their lives to compete with this being the highlight of their career. To lump all of America’s team in with the few bad apples just seems wrong to me. Why should we turn our backs on the majority because of a few shitheads. I love watching the olympics and supporting the Americans competing and will continue to support them.

Take issue with the individual not the national team.
We've been watching as much as possible. Still yet to see anything political or anything negative towards the US
Same here. USA has a damn solid team. Really looking forward to watching David Taylor, of course I like Gable Stevenson, Kyle Dake, Kyle Snyder as well. But I'd really like to see David Taylor do well, he's always been one of my favorites to watch. I always used to root for Taylor when him and Dake would battle it out in the NCAAs.
Agreed. Not having a representative at 65kg will hurt us in the team standings, but we have some studs in the other weight classes. I think Dake takes gold. It's a stacked weight class, but he already beat Chamizo last year and dominated Burroughs at the trials this year. I don't see anyone beating him in this tournament, and that includes Sidakov.
Taylor will have a tough tournament coming in unseeded. He's done it before though, squeaking one out against Yazdani in the first round in the world championships. If Yazdani has improved his conditioning and doesn't gas out this time, Taylor will have a tough time beating him. Taylor's pace is relentless though, so it will be hard for anyone to keep up with him.
I'm really excited to see Steveson wrestle at the senior level. It's just fun to watch a heavyweight who is so athletic. He moves like a lightweight and is going to give the rest of the field a lot of problems.
I am taking the same approach with this as I did NFL football. While it pisses me off when some disrespect our country, I refuse to allow the actions of a few individuals to ruin something I enjoy. Many of these athletes love their country and have spent their lives preparing for this moment.
Many of these athletes love their country and have spent their lives preparing for this moment.
I would argue MOST! Some disrespectful, bad apple idiots, but most are representing our country well and damn proud of it.
There has to be something serious going on with Biles. No way she goes from being an absolute stone cold killer all these years to a marshmellow over night. High level athletes keep problems under wraps all the time and I'll bet that is what she's doing.
The Russian mafia threatened her
The commercials have been the worst part about watching this olympics with my young kids. Woke Nike, long HIV med ads, lying democrat ads to try and save Gavin Newsom from getting his ass recalled, etc.
The commercials have been the worst part about watching this olympics with my young kids. Woke Nike, long HIV med ads, lying democrat ads to try and save Gavin Newsom from getting his ass recalled, etc.
He is spending lots of our tax $$$ to help his cause. Paying people to get the vaccine. Ten people got 1.5 million each for getting the vaccine in a lotto drawing. What a POS.
As a judoka I love my Judo! With the Olympics in Japan I knew the Japanese were going to shine.
Gotta watch my Judo!
Do yourself a favor and find the video of gold medalist wrestler, Tamyra Mensah-Stock and watch it. That's what representing our country is all about. What a fine young lady. She is so proud of herself and the USA. Pink hair could learn a lot from her if she got off her knees, na she's to into herself.. My new hero.
I haven't had time to see any of it. and i hear there been a lot of transgender mishaps happening so i know i wasn't missing a thing.
Turned it on tonight to women's duet synchronize swimming. I had the same thought you're having right now. Turned out to be pretty amazing. Then I saw the womens gold metal wrestling match. Then some volleyball, then skateboarding. They were all great.

I love the Olympics. I haven't seen any politics or transgender issues in what I've been able to watch. The same crappy commercials over and over again are another issue.